November 25, 2020 -- John 14:15 -- Love leading to Obedience

If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

John 14:15 English Standard Version

You can almost hear the scoffers comment bitingly: “Oh, there those Christians go again—it is all about laws and rules.” Note carefully how Jesus frames this conditional sentence. Take a moment and reread it. I can wait. Let it sink in. Love is the motivator. Love is the basis from which obedience springs.

When a man loves a woman—all the other 3.7 + billion women on the planet are off limits to him. That is the commandment of love—a man keeping himself in dedication and love for this one woman to the exclusion of all others. Love commands such faithfulness.

When a woman has a baby that she loves, she gives her time, her love, her attention, to this child. She willingly changes diapers. She gets up for feedings in the night. She holds and rocks a fevered child—love commands such faithfulness.

When a believer understands the depths, the height, the width and the breadth of Jesus’ extravagant love then the only response is love expressed by faithfully keeping His commandments. The Spirit of God has shown us in Scripture what is good, what the proper response to Jesus’ love is and therefore, the only fitting response to Jesus’ prior love for us is faithfulness to His commandments. In this the Father is well-pleased. When believers love Jesus and obey His commandments, the Father Who sent the Son, is confessed as True and praised.

The prayer comes from Psalm 119:57a, 62-64

O LORD, You are my portion; at midnight I rise to praise You because of Your righteous rules.

I am a companion of all who fear You, of those who keep Your precepts.

The earth, O LORD, is full of Your steadfast love; teach me Your statutes! Amen.

November 24, 2020 -- John 14:8-11 -- The Mystery

Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.

John 14:8-11 English Standard Version

This passage seems like a repetition of John 14:7. Why is Jesus repeating Himself? Great question. Jesus is speaking of a great and wonderful mystery—the Trinity. There is One God in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A mystery is different than a contradiction.

Many people like to watch crime shows. We are familiar with the component parts of such shows. There is a body. There is a search for clues. The show revolves around a mystery that needs to be illuminated. Sometimes the investigators will reexamine the evidence over and over again seeking to put all the pieces together until the mystery is solved.

Jesus is inviting His disciples to consider, to meditate on over and over again, the information that will help them assemble the mystery of the Trinity. It is worth pondering. It is important that we, as believers, listen to Jesus Christ and consider His words. He is putting together the great truth of the Old Testament and revealing the Father’s purposes in His life and work. He is giving the Spirit so that believers who look to Jesus will see the purposes of and the loving-glory of the Father.

Remember a mystery and a contradiction are fundamentally different. A contradiction will not be untwisted no matter how many clues are given, no matter how much light is shed on it. When you are confronted with a contradiction it speaks against law and reason, it is ultimately nonsense.

Jesus is teaching His disciples concerning the mystery of the Trinity. He is giving information that will inform their minds and confirm to their hearts the reality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God forever blessed!

Blessed be Your Name—from everlasting to everlasting. Your Name is glorious, exalted above all blessing and praise. You are the LORD alone. You made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them! Praise the LORD, let the earth hear Your voice. People of this great blue planet, come to the Father through Jesus the Son and as the Spirit gives us expression, let us give God the glory, now and forever more. Amen.

The prayer today is based on Nehemiah 9:5-6 and the chorus of To God be the Glory

November 23, 2020 -- John 14:7 -- What Wondrous Love

If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him also.

John 14:7 English Standard Version

This is an amazing and comprehensive statement—Jesus reveals the Father—that is what He said to His followers. John 1 teaches us we have seen the glory of Jesus, “glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). What about this: “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” (John 1:18 New King James Version). Now, just before His arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection Jesus is declaring that those who know Him know the Father also. Jesus’ words and His actions declare the Father so that all who look to Jesus and believe will see the Father.

It was the Father Who so loved that World that He sent Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin.

It was the Father Who had decreed from the time before the world was created that He, in love, would give His Son. In dedicated love to the Father and deepest reverent obedience Jesus left the splendors of heaven and the tenderest intimacy with the Father in order to be incarnate. The Spirit of God filled Jesus without measure so that Jesus would be strengthened to live for the Father in fullest obedience.

Look to Jesus and see in Him the measureless love of the Father. Look to Jesus and understand how the Spirit of God drives away all sins and temptations that threaten to overwhelm us so that we, in Christ, can walk in joy-filled obedient love before our Father in heaven.

Today’s prayer is the beautiful hymn: “What Wondrous Love is This” performed a cappella by the Concordia Choir

November 22, 2020 -- John 14:6 -- Who Jesus IS

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6 English Standard Version

There are not many paths to God—Jesus is the One path. Following Him in the obedience which flows from faith in Jesus demonstrates we know that the grace of God has taken hold of us and we live not to earn salvation, but live following Jesus because in Him our sins have been punished and we are already saved. Following Jesus demonstrates the freedom and joy of salvation.

Jesus is the Truth. According to our government the “truth” changes constantly. The lies of gender fluidity is the “new truth”. It is all part of the government’s intentional destruction family revealed by its policies promoting abortion, celebrating “alternative families and life-styles” and Medical Assistance in Death. Such policies reveal the depths of the hatred of our country’s leadership for the things of God and the Truth of Jesus Christ. In Jesus we find the “Yes” and “Amen” of the Bible. What God stated, what is revealed in the Bible has been inspired by the Spirit and has been guarded by this same Spirit so that what God has revealed is true yesterday, today and forever. Blessed be His glorious Name now and forever! That is the most glorious Truth to stand through-out eternity!

Jesus is the Life. Why do we, as Christians, vehemently support life from conception to natural death? Because our lives are not our own—we belong, body and soul, in life and in death to our Faithful Savior Jesus Christ. While we draw breath on earth there is every opportunity to confess Jesus Christ. When we die, those who believe in Jesus are separated from those who do not. Those who do not believe face eternal punishment in hell. Those who believe in Jesus Christ find the abundant life He has given now, will grow bigger, fuller, and more perfect through all eternity in the light of His glory and presence.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Amen.

Psalm 51:10-12

November 21, 2020 -- John 14:1-2 -- Smashing down the troubles of the heart

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

John 14:1-2 English Standard Version

Dearly loved sons and daughters of God the Sovereign LORD of Heaven and Earth—of course the disciples’ hearts were troubled. Jesus had just told them He was going where they could not go. Jesus just declared Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crows. Judas had just gone into the night to betray Jesus into the hands of Jewish authorities and Roman soldiers.

Jesus is commanding His torn apart, emotionally upended disciples: “do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me”. Greater than our sins; greater than our denials; greater than our worst moment is the love of God poured out on us in Jesus Christ. Our work is not to focus on our troubles and imagine how these keep us from God, our work—the task of faith—is to believe in God and believe in Jesus Who has revealed the Father.

What is the result of faith? The result of faith is the joy of knowing we have a Father unlike any earthly father. He determined to find us, to go to the ends of the earth and rescue us from the pit of despair and the depths of our misery. The result of faith is awe that Jesus should leave the splendors of heaven, suffer, endure unbelieving disciples. The result of faith is seeing Jesus, He is the perfect One, Who is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. This is the work of faith which results in believing Jesus truly is, now, preparing a place for us with Himself in eternity.

The trouble of our hearts melt away because of Jesus’ accomplished work as Savior. Our troubles fade into obscurity because Jesus is the Warrior-King Who has rescued us from hell and death and the grave by bearing our punishment. The disquieted fearfulness of our hearts is dispelled like mist in the summer sunlight because Jesus is greater than our sins; Jesus’ Spirit will apply the salvation of our Savior to every part of our mind, soul, heart, and every place of need so that we are presented pure and blameless in the sight of God our Everlasting Father.

What sin is nagging at you? What taunt is Satan using against you? What secret doubt do you have the you are not enough, you will never measure up? Fellow Christian, preach the Word to your soul—Do not let your heart be troubled—believe in God and believe in Jesus—for you have been raised from the tomb of your sins and the accusations of Satan and by Jesus blood you are cleansed, dearly loved sons and daughters of God the Gracious. Live in such faith—throw down the lies of the world, the devil and the lies of your own heart and mind. Live knowing Jesus is returning to bring you to Himself.

Spirit of the Living God, smash through our fears and doubts. Renew in us the joy of our salvation. By the Scripture show us over and over again the victory of Jesus which is given to us. Spirit of God, give us songs of salvation, holy hymns of deliverance which shout down the troubles of our hearts until assurance breaks over us, flooding every part of our being with the great, confident, and glorious hope Jesus is preparing for His people a place in eternity in the presence of the Father Who has given us such salvation! All this we pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

November 20, 2020 -- John 13:36 -- Following Jesus

Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus answered him, “Where I am going you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward.”

John 13:36 English Standard Version

Simon Peter did not understand all that Jesus would suffer and endure as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. The full wrath of God against sinners would be poured out on Jesus. No man or woman would bear such intense suffering, agony and punishment. No one could follow Jesus into this.

Think of the weight of sin you carry: sexually impure thoughts; toying with immoral video games and the lusts for anger, sex, violence and crime they incite; allowing anger to govern your thoughts; disrespect for authority; avenging wrongs and perceived wrongs; worshiping things and desires. No doubt this list just scratches the surface as you could easily name the sins which threaten to overwhelm you personally. There are times when your past sins threaten to undo you. No wonder Simon Peter couldn’t follow Jesus to the place of punishment, the cross, the agonies of hell and the death which followed.

The glory of the cross, where Jesus was punished for all your sins, God cancelled the record of debt that stood against you with its legal demands. When Satan reminds you of your sins, remind him Jesus was already punished for that sin. You no longer carry the sentence of hell against you. That is the place where Simon Peter could not follow Jesus.

Simon Peter could, however, follow Jesus in victory. Death is now the final moment when you are released from any possibility of sinning anymore and your lives are fully, finally united with Christ in the new resurrection bodies and sin is no more! Simon Peter would follow the resurrected Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit given to all those who believe in Jesus and know He has conquered sin, the grave and hell and even death itself it being captive led. Simon Peter can follow Jesus into paths of suffering, after Jesus’ death and resurrection, because Simon Peter would then have the full assurance that sin has been thrown down, heaven has been opened and believers walk in victory and great assurance. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

What was true for Simon Peter is true for believers today, believers can now follow Jesus. Sins cannot be used to blackmail believers: Jesus paid the price for such sins. Confess them and the power of them is thrown down because of Jesus. Torture and suffering, painful and wicked and horrible as they are, will not cause a true Christian to deny the King of Kings or LORD of Lords because He is the Prize, the Goal of all true believing. Christians follow Jesus through suffering, death, the grave and rise with Him to new life in the splendors of the new heaven and the new earth. That is where Christians follow Jesus—now and until He returns in glory.

Today’s prayer is the ascription of praise found in Romans 11:33-36

Oh, the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how ^inscrutable his ways!

For who has known the mind of the Lord,

or who has been his counselor?

Or who has given a gift to him

that he might be repaid?

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

^impossible to understand or interpret

November 16, 2020 -- John 13:34-35 -- Love as Jesus loves

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know you that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

John 13:34-35 English Standard Version

Yes, I can hear it already: “that is not a new commandment”! in fact, you can find it in Leviticus 19:18. Read carefully what Jesus said to His disciples then and says to you today “just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another”. How did Jesus love?

Jesus sacrificed Himself—leaving the splendour of heaven.

Jesus did not insist on the prerogatives of divinity, but fully and perfectly obeyed the Father in heaven.

Jesus bore with the weakness and failings of His followers.

Jesus did not come to the earth, as Ravi Zachariah used to say: “to make bad men good but to make dead men live”! While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you so that you might rise to new life in Him.

Note then the parallel between Jesus’ work and yours—serving as He served, loving as He loved.

Christians follow Jesus, leaving their comforts in order to demonstrate love to others in Jesus’ Name. Christians do so knowing this will cost them money, reputation, and in the eye of the world this kind of love will all seem so foolish.

Christians are prepared to humble themselves to love and help others. Just like Jesus, Christians are not insisting on their privileges and rights, but with eyes fixed on the Father in heaven Who loves them and has prepared them for good works step out to do what the Father has appointed to be done in Christ.

Christians know their own weakness and failings and realize Christ has borne these in love in order to bring sons and daughters to maturity—so Christians patiently, lovingly teach others.

Christians understand it is the joyful, loving task to speak and live the Word of God in the power of the Spirit. Sowing such seed far and wide with the deep-rooted assurance God will produce the germination and growth and abundance.

LORD of heaven and earth, we give thanks to You! Your steadfast love endures forever. Thank You, Father in heaven, for the riches of Your love which You have demonstrated so perfectly, so completely in Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father in heaven, for the Holy Spirit Who equips us all to live in the steadfast love of Jesus so that many sons and daughters are brought to glory. Forgive us for our faltering words and the many times our witness is sputtering and incomplete. Renew in us a holy zeal for Jesus so that we truly will love as Jesus loved us and continues to love us. Oh, Triune God—You are worthy of all blessing and honour, glory and worship—Amen!

November 14, 2020 -- John 13:31-32 -- Glory!

When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once.

John 13:31-32 English Standard Version

It is when Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, goes out into the night to betray Jesus, that Jesus turned to His disciples and said to them “Now is the Son of Man glorified”. It is almost as if the language breaks down because Jesus speaks of glory five times in these two short sentences.

The glory of God is something the angels see and because of the weight of His splendour they cry out: Holy! Holy! Holy! Is the LORD of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! Isaiah 6:3. The glory of the Living God is His splendour; His excellencies; His radiant beauty. Glory is an attribute of God which requires our study and deep contemplation because it is so wholly different from our experience of life. An athlete’s glory is brief. Once a record is achieved, the very next question becomes—can he beat that record? When will someone else beat it? God is magnificent beyond the reach of anything else, ever. It is never to be bested or eclipsed. God is light and perfect and the zenith of all that is pure and excellent.

The Son of Man is glorified in the betrayal and kangaroo court trial He undergoes and His execution at the cross because He is perfectly obedient to His Father. He always had in view revealing the loving-kindness of God the Father in seeking and saving lost sinners. Jesus proved His glory in His enduring love.

God the Father is glorified in Jesus because the plans of the Father, from before the creation of the world to bring ruined sinners to Himself was perfected accomplished in the Son and the Son highlights the Father’s abiding promises to save in love.

Our experience of glory is fading. Christine Sinclair has won the winner’s jersey four times at the FIFA World’s Cup! Imagine the adulation when she stands with her team. But at some point the cheering stops. The fans clear out of the stadium. It is impossible to hold that moment of exuberant emotions and the reason for the cheering becomes eclipsed by the need to go home, relieve babysitters and eventually see who will win the next victory.

The Glory of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is ever new, ever brilliant, and cannot be eclipsed. That is why the LORD our God is worthy of worship—for Who He Is—that reason alone should bring us to to our knees in awe and praise. The greatness of the salvation which is ours in Christ and the inestimable cost of this salvation should humble us with wonder. This is the tiniest glimpse of glory. Eternity will be filled with growing delights and blessing and marvel as our brains ever grow in our capacity to glimpse and comprehend and delight in His glory.

Blessed Spirit of the Living God by Your presence as we read the Word and our contemplation on it may the glory of the LORD rise in us. Tear our eyes away from all that is unworthy and inappropriate and bring us to our knees lost in wonder and in love. Stir up in us a greater, deeper, hungry longing for the knowledge of the glory of God revealed in creation, and demonstrated in salvation. Stir up in us anticipation for the glory of God to be experienced in ever greater rising measures in eternity. For there the throne of God will be and that of the Lamb and His servants shall worship Him. Night will be no more. The LORD God will shine in glory as the Light. Amen!

November 12, 2020 -- John 13:21-22 -- Persistent, Patient, Paternal Love

After saying these things, “Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly I say to you, one of you will betray me.” The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke.

John 13:21-22 English Standard Version

“Listen, if I knew you were going to blow me off and wound me,” the exasperated voice huffed, “I would not have invested all this time in you !”No doubt many people have said such things. Imagine scenarios where this might be said:

A couple on the verge of breaking up.

An angry parent exhausted by trying to teach a near-adult child.

A boss working with a new recruit.

You can think of countless instances in your life where you just felt thrown away.

Jesus, though troubled in His Spirit, though experiencing human heart-break, did not give up on Judas Iscariot. Nor did Jesus short-circuit Judas’ chance for redemption. As long as Jesus lived and ministered, Judah had every opportunity to return to Jesus and find grace and forgiveness.

The disciples were so confused. It was not obvious to them that Judas Iscariot was the betrayer. Nor was it obvious to them that Peter would deny Jesus. Nor was it clear that everyone of them would abandon Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested a few hours later.

This should give all reading this devotion tremendous hope! God is not done with you! He sent Jesus so that lost and ruined sinners—even those who’ve walked with Him for a long time and still do not “get it” will receive the wonderful, healing forgiveness only He can bring. The Spirit of God is knocking on the door of your heart, He is working on your conscience. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to open your heart and confess how much you need Him!

The prophet Hosea’s words (chapter 14) form the basis of today’s prayer.

Return, O wayward people, return to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled because of your immoral, vile hearts. Take words of confession with you and return to the LORD with your whole heart, accepting the good He will pour out. The LORD promised, and fulfilled these promises in Christ: I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them; I will be like dew to My often-times wayward people, refreshing them so that they shall blossom like the lily and take root like tall, strong trees. Spirit of the Living God, igniting in us understanding and a desire for what is good, move us to act on these feelings so that the riches offered in Jesus Christ are poured out all proving in this generation again God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen”.

November 11, 2020 -- John 13:20 -- Peace

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”

John 13:20 English Standard Version

On this Remembrance Day, we are keenly aware that Canada has long played an important, international role in peace-keeping. Men and women are sent to various world hot-spots and enforce a negotiated peace settlement. The presence of soldiers seems daunting and aggressive, but their presence directs people away from their former hostility against one another and helps them to live a “new normal” where fighting is no longer an option. Life without the former in-grained conflict riddled view of the world must first be imposed and then naturalized and finally something embraced.

We are sent as Jesus’ messengers of peace. We declare the peace which Jesus brought to us because of His accomplished work at the cross. The cross, which is the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, brings the ultimate peace between God and people; peace between formerly hostile people; and peace which fills the soul of the one who has received Jesus.

Do not be surprised if those who first meet you and see Jesus’ peace in you are recalcitrant and hostile in their response to you. Peace is such a foreign concept in our world today. But those who receive you receive Jesus Christ and those who receive Jesus receive the Father. The Father in heaven is the One Who has purposed to bring many sons and daughters to salvation. Blessed be the Triune God of majesty and righteousness, love and justice, peace and salvation.

Blessed are You, God Most High! Praise and honour be to Him Who lives forever and ever—for Your dominion is an everlasting dominion and the kingdom of this world is the Kingdom of the Lord and of His Christ—enduring from generation to generation! Who can stop Your purposes or criticize saying, “What have you done?!” By Your Spirit You close the hearts of the wicked and by this same Spirit You direct men and women into the peace which started at the cross and expands and stretches, building and wafting in glory unto all eternity. Amen.

November 9, 2020 -- John 13:18-19 -- Known and loved

I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But the Scripture will be fulfilled, ‘He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’ I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he.

John 13:18-19 English Standard Version

Jesus is declaring His divinity—I am He. He is telling the disciples what will take place—His betrayal and crucifixion are not a surprise nor unexpected. It must take place. Jesus is aware of the identity of the betrayer. This brings to mind these words:

for I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me,

declaring the end from the beginning

and from ancient times things not yet done

saying my counsel shall stand,

and I will accomplish my purpose…

Isaiah 46:9-10 ESV

Jesus is fully aware of the darkness that lurks in your heart and in your thoughts. He knows the evil you’d planned and carried out. In fact, the context of Isaiah bears that out as well. The Isaiah prophecy was spoken to “you transgressors”. The God of eternity has purposed to bring salvation to those whom He has chosen. He will deliver you from the death grip of sin and bring life and renewed, transformed thinking.

Nearing the end of his life, it is said that John Wesley was somewhat forgetful, but he could confidently declare: ‘My sin is great, my Savior is greater!’

Lord of Righteousness and Justice You have no equal, there is none that can rival Your wisdom and understanding. Blessed are You, Who have chosen Your people from before the foundation of the world. Blessed are You, Jesus the Savior of ruined sinners. Blessed are You, Spirit of God Who brings both the awareness of sin and the greater, glorious awareness of new life which is given in Christ to believers unto the praise and honour and blessedness and hallowing of the Father. Amen.

November 5, 2020 -- John 13:12 -- Contend for faithful understanding

When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you?”

John 13:12 English Standard Version

The answer is “no”! No, the disciples did not understand what Jesus had done for them nor would they understand what He was about to do—to be traded for 30 pieces of silver—the price of a slave. He was abandoned by disciples who’d walked with Him for three years, who had watched the miracles, listened to the teaching and heard of the glory yet to be. Jesus faced His crucifixion knowing His closest followers had no idea what He was doing. It was so then, and it is so today.

Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? Your sins have been punished on His Person at the cross. You don’t have to carry them anymore. Even as Jesus’ first followers failed Him and abandoned Him so you too know you have not been faithful to Jesus. The more you tried to more you can see how weak and intermittent is your obedience. Do you understand Jesus gave Himself for you because He knew your obedience and your life would never measure up?

Jesus has resumed His place—He is seated at the right hand of the Father. At this place Jesus speaks for you, prays for you. The Father and the Son have poured out the Spirit so that you can read the Bible and understand and believe and believing have a relationship with God—a relationship freed from the nagging fears that perhaps you are not enough.

Understand this: Jesus has paid it all. Your sins are forgiven. The hold of the darkness has been broken by the Light of Jesus’ presence and grace. Because of Jesus work at the cross, His victory over death and the grave the Father now rejoices over you with singing! Spend time thinking about Jesus. Read the Bible and consider all He has done for you. Realize the Mighty One of Heaven knows you by name and has reconciled you to Himself by the accomplished work of Jesus and He is guarding you in this delicious freedom and wonderful new life through the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit Who lives in you.

Father in heaven—we confess we do not understand what Jesus has done for us. We have an inkling and a small taste of it and then our doubts can rush in to overwhelm us. Thank You, Spirit of God, for the fact that You are God. You are greater than our fears and doubts. You delight to teach of Jesus’ accomplished work so that we know intellectually and receive into our hearts a deep-rooted conviction that Jesus is the One Sacrifice Who has made us right with our Father in heaven. Triune God blessed are You! Great and glorious is the song of salvation that stretches from Eden to the New Jerusalem! Amen.

November 4, 2020 -- John 13:3-5 -- An army of worshipers

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

John 13:3-5 English Standard Version

Why would you show any kindness to your enemy? You likely don’t want to show any weakness, knowing an enemy can take you apart when he knowns where to hit you. In this world you see politicians posturing and haranguing and threatening. It is what the weak must do.

Notice the power of Jesus Christ. He has all authority. The Father in heaven has blessed Him and empowered Jesus for service. He cannot be moved. He cannot be diverted from the path of righteousness. He cannot be manipulated from carrying out His obedient love to the Father which involves saving lost and ruined sinners from the judgment of God which would cast them into hell.

That is why Jesus washes Judas’ feet—the very one who would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Jesus was secure enough to wash Peter’s feet—the man would would deny Him three times.

Jesus washed the feet of every one of His disciples—Jesus was secure in His place as one loved by His Father in heaven so much so He was confident and bold to humble Himself and wash the feet of those who needed to know the depths of redeeming love.

It was an act of unimaginable power for Jesus to stoop down and wash the disciples feet—He was not afraid of being misunderstood nor questioned nor mocked.

Jesus’ redeeming work reaches to every place in your life that needed or needs cleansing. He is powerful enough to bring His cleansing. He is secure in the Father’s love to the extent that while you were still a sinner, He died for you and all whom the Father had given Him. He rose unto the complete salvation of all who name Him as Lord and rose up in terrible judgment and condemnation against all who refuse Him.

Corona virus and the responses of governments and despots, fear-mongering prognosticators or sincere officials cannot turn aside the purposes of our God revealed in Jesus. Live for the King of Glory with great confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit so that your witness and obedience is exactly what those around you need.

Whether or not Trump regained the White House matters very little in the grand scheme of things. Jesus reigned in victory through-out all of history. He is in charge. If Trudeau’s minority government continues to limp from one scandal to another for some time yet, the Kingship of Jesus and His holiness is not in any way compromised. Jesus knows the victory He will show at the moment history ends and all things mysterious to the world now, will be revealed. Jesus the Captain of Salvation will have proved Himself again faithful and powerful in all things bringing radiant glory to the Father in heaven, and the Spirit will illuminate every dull heart and blind eye so that the victory of Jesus will drive all people to their knees in wonder before Him.

Walk with the confident assurance of one washed by Jesus, loved to the full extent of His power, who is, therefore, enabled to bear witness to the world around you. Whether or not anyone listens to you the Son enthroned in heaven is aware of Your dedication and fearlessness and His Spirit guards you and blesses you in the Scripture-assurance-filled promise that in Christ you are a deeply loved son or daughter of God the Father.

Father of Splendor and Power—Your people Israel went out into battle led by singers who praised You saying, “Give thanks to the LORD, for His steadfast love endures forever”! It is foolishness in the eyes of the world and evidence that what man deems as foolish is wisdom beyond human imagining. Spirit of God, move believers as the army of worshipers and singers who praise the Father declaring His love shown so perfectly and fully in Jesus Christ. Spirit of God if your people, entrusted to you in Christ, are exalted or humbled, used powerfully or set aside in Your reserves for a season, continue to teach all in the wisdom of Jesus and His dedicated, obedient love so that the world will see the Unspeakable majesty and purposes of God the Father. Amen.

November 3, 2020 -- John 13:1 -- Love that is real; Love that is strong.

Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

John 13:1 English Standard Version

In a few hours Jesus would be betrayed into the hands of Jewish leaders, Roman soldiers and Jesus’ own disciples would run away. All would be scattered, all would abandon Him, none would come to His defense. More even than this, Isaiah tells us it was the Father’s will to crush Him (Isaiah 53:10)—that is, to put onto Jesus Christ the punishment for all our sins. He would face torment and anguish unspeakable and indescribable. Yet the declaration inspired by the Holy Spirit and given to the Gospel-writer is this: He, Jesus, loved them to the end.

Jesus was confident of the Father’s purposes in salvation so Jesus walked the road of suffering.

Jesus was confident in the power of the Holy Spirit to sustain His human flesh and blood during this trial and anguish and torment—the valley of the shadow of death.

Jesus was confident that His suffering would bring glory to the Father, and be the propitiation—the sacrifice which removed the perfectly just and appropriate wrath of God against sin.

Therefore Jesus loved, demonstrated His love for His disciples though they misunderstood Him.

Therefore Jesus loved, enduring their self-centredness, knowing unless He died and rose and broke the hold of sin, their stubborn rebellious hearts could never be freed.

Therefore Jesus loved, aware that this salvation would bring many sons and daughters to the full awareness of the Father’s determined, unshakable, and greater-than-the-sun intensity love for them.

Maybe you are aware of your sins today. Jesus’ love is great.

Maybe you realize you are unworthy of love. You are right. Yet Jesus loves you and loves you to the end so that you will know the love of the Father, demonstrated in the perfection by Jesus, through the power of the Spirit who lives in you.

Maybe you think, God can’t possibly love me after all I’ve done. I Corinthians 6 reminds us that we were: sexually immoral, idol-worshipers, adulterers, homosexual and transgender practicing, corrupted people, thieves, drunkards, angrily insulting of all that is good, exploitative manipulators (just to name a few sins, all of which are broken by the next, beautiful and powerful words pointing to Jesus) and “you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and this is continually applied to you by the Spirit of our God” (adapted from I Corinthians 6:9b-10).

Truly, He loved them, and He loves you, and He loves ,all who will believe—He loved them to the end—to the complete satisfaction of God the Holy One Jesus working by His Spirit has effected complete cleansing, making holy so that it is spoken over us “Not guilty!” Hallelujah! What a Savior!

With the Psalmist what can we do but lift up our eyes to the hills and to the heavens—our Help is from You! You have preserved us, Father in heaven, despite our willfulness and inclination toward every sin. What was promised has been accomplished in Jesus: “The LORD will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life.” Praise and honour, blessing and exultation belong to You, Jesus. Blessed are You, Spirit of God as You keep us in the ordinary rhythms of our life—our going out to do and work and our coming home again—all this until our life is ended and eternity is ours in the Presence of the Triune Majesty, Who is forever blessed and glorious. Amen.

November 2, 2020 -- John 12:50 -- Carrying the Name and Reputation

And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.

John 12:50 English Standard Version

The Fall weather is significantly colder now and I am back to wearing a winter coat, well, minus the warm inner lining which can be zipped in or taken out. The winter coat has the name of the car company I used to work for emblazoned on it: “Enterprise”. When I was hired I was told I must follow company policy. I am required to follow traffic laws. It was emphasized—”You are wearing the company hat and shirt and coat—wherever you are, you represent the company, act in such a way that you do not discredit the company". If a car company desires its employees to act in such a way as not to discredit its name and reputation, how much more, infinitely more, ought you, as a Christian to strive to bring honour and credit to the Name of the Father in heaven?!

Jesus did so perfectly. He perfectly obeyed the Father—from the moment His life began until His dying Jesus was without any imperfections in His obedience. He declared the wonder and the blessing, the joy and the adventurous enthusiasm for total dedication to the Father in heaven.

You will fail. You will strive and try and fall. But eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ and believing His perfect life is credited to you even as His punishment at the cross cleared your account of any punishment owing. You are completely set free. This is why knowing and living out the commandment of the Father is eternal life—you do not earn this, you show by your life you are bought by the blood of Jesus Christ and set free for delighted obedience, thankful obedience for all that is now yours.

Therefore shout out this Good News to any and all you meet. New life has taken hold of you in Christ. The Spirit of God has lifted you up from death to life according to the glory of Christ decreed to be yours by the Father in heaven. Live up to the Name and the Reputation of God the Blessed: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When you stumble and mess up, declare all over again—how great is the LOVE of God the Compassionate, that this sin too is fully covered and you are freed to leave it and walk in newness of life.

O LORD, You are the Good Shepherd! Jesus You have restored our souls. Spirit of the Living God, lead us, forgiven and freed, into the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Triune God, You have prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies, You have anointed us with oil; our cups filled with Your blessings overflow! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and we shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever! Amen.

October 31, 2020 -- John 12:36-43 -- Terrible Glory

When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. 37 Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him, 38 so that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled:

“Lord, who has believed what he heard from us,
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”

39 Therefore they could not believe. For again Isaiah said,

40 “He has blinded their eyes
    and hardened their heart,
lest they see with their eyes,
    and understand with their heart, and turn,
    and I would heal them.”

41 Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke of him. 42 Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.

John 12:36-43 English Standard Version

This is a passage longer than I’d usually use for these devotions. The reason for doing this is that the passage is difficult to understand and breaking it up into smaller portions would lop off the explanation contained in it. Why would Jesus hide Himself from the crowds? Why would the LORD blind the hearts of people, harden their hearts and prevent them from being healed?

Isaiah the prophet saw a vision of the glory of the LORD. The utter holiness of the LORD wrecked Isaiah. He felt like he was disintegrating before the holiness of God. Isaiah confessed his sinfulness and received cleansing from the LORD. Isaiah was then strengthened to serve God no matter what reaction rebellious kings or prophets, disbelieving people or priests spoke against him. Isaiah loved the glory of God and desired to reflect back to God glory rather than receive glory and praise from people—which would last only as long as you stick to their ever-changing, ever-increasing-in-wickedness agendas.

The people in Jesus’ day were happy to see Jesus as a miracle worker. They realized how awesome it’d be to have a wandering healer in their midst, but they were not prepared to follow Him when religious authorities or family members and friends turned against Him or against them. The vacillating crowd wanted ease, wanted healing and wanted the people around them to like them. They were not prepared to follow Jesus when it became difficult. That’s the heart of it—Jesus is not begging and pleading: “Oh please, OH PLEEEZ follow ME!”. Understand this, Jesus is the Lord of Glory—to know Him is the greatest treasure. It is worth it if all people curse you and misunderstand you, as long as you have Jesus. To start on the pathway of knowing Jesus and then to abandon ship is to invite greater condemnation and wrath from God.

Know this—when you take hold of Jesus, you will undertake the greatest adventure of your life. Be prepared for the fact that people will critique. They will hate you. They will question you and mock you. Even others who seem like Christians will fight against you. Do not give up. Fix your eyes on Jesus and know this: the glory that comes from man and the world is useless—in a minute or two fashions will change and you’ll fall into great disgrace. The glory that comes from God moves from glory to ever greater heights of glory. God is infinite and the adventure of following Him, is like no other glory and no other adventure.

The prayer today is based on Psalm 124:6-8

Blessed be the LORD Who has not given us as prey into the teeth of fickle crowds and lawless leaders. Blessed be the LORD Who has caused us to escape like birds in flight; in the great Name of Jesus Christ we have escaped the nets set by the wicked and we have shaken off the foolish desire for the praises of men, the desire for the glory of people. Spirit of the Living God You have taught us to declare with ever growing, confident faith: “Our help is in the Name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth!” Amen.

October 30, 2020 -- John 12:36 -- Jesus the Light

While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.

John 12:36 English Standard Version

A few chapters ago we read Jesus’ words: “I AM the Light of the World” (John 8:12). The world walks in the darkness of sin, of addictions, of fears, and is rushing headlong to death and hell. Jesus declared to all who’d listen that He is the Light.

Jesus shows the wicked their destructive path. Jesus reveals to the broken their only source of healing and help—Jesus Himself. Jesus illuminates the destructive work of the devil and the impact of sin on your life. When the Light of Jesus shines on you, you are confronted with the choice—walk in the Light or stay shrouded in darkness.

To have the Light is to acknowledge Jesus. To have the light is to read His Word. To have the light is putting into practice the things He teaches you.

To believe in the Light is choosing to put your life, your faith and your confidence in Jesus. To believe in the Light is to decide your confidence is not in government, nor in yourself, nor in any other philosophy or worldview. To believe in the Light is to leave your sinful practices and habits. To believe in Jesus Christ means getting connected with a Jesus-preaching and Jesus obeying Church. You will need to have other believers encourage you in believing in the Light Who is Jesus. You will need new associations and new influences in your life who can help direct you in all that is associated with the Light that is Jesus.

To be sons of the Light means you will inherit the blessings of the Father. Jesus gains for you a place as a dearly loved son or daughter of the Most High God—He Who lives in Splendour. To live as a son or daughter of the light means people around you will see Jesus in you. They will see the changes you are making and know these changes are made in your life by the power presence of God Himself. It is true, sons and daughters of the Light are given the Holy Spirit Who guards you in Jesus, Who teaches You through Biblical preaching in church and your Bible reading so that you will understand the rich blessings that are yours already in Jesus Christ and the wonderful blessings of eternity in the Light of God’s glorious presence.

Faithful Jesus, thank You for making Yourself known to those You walked among two thousand years ago. Thank You Jesus that Your Spirit continues to shine the Light, teaching Who You Are and why living in the Light matters so much. Father in heaven, make Your Name great—let the Light of Jesus shine brightly from the pages of Scripture, from the life of believers, from the magnificence of creation. Father in heaven let believers shine the Light of Jesus with such devotion that many will be drawn to Jesus Christ. Amen.

October 28, 2020 -- John 12:30 -- Deeply reassured of the Father's love

Jesus answered, “The voice has come for your sake, not mine.”

John 12:30 English Standard Version

This is Jesus’ last speech which He gave before crowds prior to His trial and crucifixion. After this chapter there will be several chapters of Jesus’ farewell address to His disciples. The context here is important—Jesus has crowds of people in front of Him, some love Him, some hate, some are confused, some are detractors scorning and wondering Who He really Is. The Father in heaven spoke to Jesus. It was a majestic, thundering voice. Some in the crowd just heard thunder. Others heard the word of the Father, the affirmation of the Father. Yet, consider Jesus’ simple explanation, “The voice has come for your sake, not mine.”

Think how often you need affirmation. You can become completely deflated if someone doesn’t say thank you. If your boss criticizes you for something you left undone while ignoring all the things and times you went above and beyond what was required. So much of your sense of equilibrium is based on approval given or approval withheld.

Jesus is not like you in this way. He was not seeking approbation from the crowd. Jesus walked in the deep reassurance that His Father in heaven loved Him and approved His work. Through-out His life, Jesus was rejected by His own people, family, disciples and hated by the religious authorities. How did Jesus cope? He trusted the Word of God—the Old Testament—the assurance He is the beloved one of God. He leaned into the Spirit of God—given to Him without measure—not seeking His worth in fickle human kudos. He was confident in the approval of His Father in heaven.

Dearly loved children of God—how easy it is for you to look for approval from people. You are hungering after the wrong sustenance. You are made by God the Father—fearfully and wonderfully He made you in the womb (Psalm 139). You are valuable because of your origins. You are valuable because healthy or sick, rich or poor, famous or infamous you are intimately known by God. That is your greatest treasure to belong to Him by the accomplished work of Jesus and kept as His workmanship, loved children not based on what you do or don’t do, you are dearly children who are saved by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone by Scripture alone for the glory of God alone so that you don’t boast in yourselves, but your boast all the day is in the Triune God of Glory!

Blessed Jesus, thank You for the rescue story You have given us. Father in heaven, blessed are You and we thank You for rescuing us from the kingdom of death and darkness and bringing us to the kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of the Son You love. Spirit of God, rescuer of the lost, keeper of the wayward, apply all these rich and extravagant blessings so that our insecurities melt away in the light of the radiance of Jesus Christ and whether we are love by the world or hated, we will have the bold courage and peaceful security to live for Jesus. Amen.

October 27, 2020 -- John 12:28 -- The Father's Glory on Display!

“Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”

John 12:28 English Standard Version

Jesus is now just a few hours away from His betrayal and death. He had entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, a sign of Kingship according to the prophecy of Zechariah. The people are expecting an earthly glory, a Kingdom that will overthrow Roman. They were not thinking in broad and large enough terms! The glory of the Father is such that He sent the Son to conquer sin, earthly kingdoms, rebellious hearts, tyrannical despots, unchain the creation from the effects of Adam and Eve’s sin and the sins of all subsequent generations, and defeat death, the grave and hell. That is the glory of the Father. How is this glory accomplished? The fullness of the glory of God is. From eternity to eternity God is great and glorious. In Jesus Christ the Father’s glory is revealed, manifested unto people. Here’s how.

The glory already given:

~the Prophets who declared the unmerited mercy of God in withholding death and punishment until the time of the Messiah

~the Kings who were supposed to rule as under shepherds of the LORD of Glory

~the Priests who by making sacrifices and praying for the people showed the coming Messiah would be the full and final sacrifice who takes away the sin of the world

~Jesus was born—fully human and fully God—His incarnation means that the glory of the LORD lives among the people of God

The glory the Father will bring in Jesus:

~the Prophet Who is God’s final word and the radiance of His glory; this is why the Bible is not still being written. It is a closed book—Jesus is the Final Word. He is the “Amen”.

~the King Whose reign will never end—Jesus is on the throne, Covid-19 is not unseating Him, wars and despots don’t thwart His purposes—He is bringing history to its full and final conclusion

~the Priest who offered His body in our place so that our sins are forgiven and He is praying for us at our Father’s right hand in heaven

~He was lifted up on the cross and as He was bearing the punishment for our sins, He prayed for the soldiers who were gambling for His clothes, He forgave the criminal crucified next to Him who’d been taunting Him and who suddenly, in view of Jesus’ glory and peace even on the cross then realized Jesus really is the glory of the Father—even His humiliation could not erase the traces of His great majesty.

~Now He is risen from the dead, ascended to the Father’s right hand—watch and see how much more Jesus will be glorified by the Father and make the Father’s Name and glory greater because of His dedicated love for and obedience to the Father’s will which ensures none of the people elect unto eternal life should be lost.

Spirit of the Living God, broaden our vision, increase our capacity to see the accomplished work of Jesus with the eyes of faith and an imagination that is being made holy and whole. Jesus, by the testimony of Your Spirit vivifying our hearts and the Bible teaching us by the Spirit’s power, let the weight of Your glory bring us to know our Father in heaven more dearly and truly. Triune God, as the fullness of Your presence, Your holiness, Your justice and righteousness are made know to us, enable our head and heart and hands praise You in every area of our lives. Great God of Eternal and Terrible Splendour all honour and power, dominion and praise are Yours now and forever—Amen.

October 26, 2020 -- John 12:27 -- Suffering and Glory

“Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.”

John 12:27 English Standard Version

The book of John is broadly divided into two parts: the book of signs and the book of glory. The first twelve chapters have many miracles, or signs, which verify Jesus is Who He says He Is. He is fully God from all eternity and He is become incarnate—fully human. Chapter Thirteen onwards is the book of glory. He is now near the day of His betrayal, crucifixion and death. It will seem He has, unwillingly, been defeated. His flesh will suffer greatly. He Is the Lamb of God, by Whose suffering, crushing death our sins are fully atoned for. It is the hour for which He has come into the world—the Father is glorified in bringing many sons and daughters to salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus’ obedience brings glory to the Father. The Spirit, given to Jesus without measure, is proved to be the Spirit of Glory Who is the strength of the people of God. The Spirit of God Who sustained Jesus in His humanity through this crisis and trial is the same Spirit Who sustains you and me.

What trial or suffering are you enduring now? Perhaps your finances have been rocked by Covid-19. Perhaps you are facing marital crisis. Maybe your addictions are raging because you are denying yourself the alcohol (or insert here the addiction of choice) you’ve freely ingested before but now, in view of Jesus, you have chosen to live clean. Maybe you are dealing with coworkers who hate your faith. It might be your family does not understand your devotion to the cause of Jesus. Your life might be nearing its end and laying down your mortal flesh and the pains of illness or age which ravage you are so heavy to bear. The suffering of Jesus Christ is instructive.

  1. The Spirit of God will sustain you. Pray and ask for the help of the Spirit because you cannot endure suffering in your own strength. Nor are you meant to.

  2. Know that Jesus suffered and our if Master endured suffering we as His servants (who, according to John 15:14 are now not just slave-servants, but are called friends) will also suffer because we claim Him as our King.

  3. The Father in heaven is glorified—He has chosen you, believe He will use every instance of suffering, every trial to build your faith, cleanse you of sinful corruptions and build in you a greater capacity for the Spirit to work so that your devoted love to Jesus is enlarged thus making even more perfect your witness to Jesus.

Great are You Lord Jesus, our Master and Friend! Blessed Spirit guide us in the right paths, especially now as our suffering is intense and bewildering. Father in heaven, remind us, by Your Spirit’s presence and the full glory of Jesus’ life displayed in the open pages of Scripture, of Your love that will never fade nor will You ever be bored with Your people. Let the purposes for which Jesus came into the world be accomplished—build up Christians in our faith, in community with one another and let the Light of Christ shining in and through us be a brilliant testimony to this world. Triune God, through our witness, bring many sons and daughters to the glory of knowing Your fulsome salvation. Amen.