October 30, 2020 -- John 12:36 -- Jesus the Light

While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.

John 12:36 English Standard Version

A few chapters ago we read Jesus’ words: “I AM the Light of the World” (John 8:12). The world walks in the darkness of sin, of addictions, of fears, and is rushing headlong to death and hell. Jesus declared to all who’d listen that He is the Light.

Jesus shows the wicked their destructive path. Jesus reveals to the broken their only source of healing and help—Jesus Himself. Jesus illuminates the destructive work of the devil and the impact of sin on your life. When the Light of Jesus shines on you, you are confronted with the choice—walk in the Light or stay shrouded in darkness.

To have the Light is to acknowledge Jesus. To have the light is to read His Word. To have the light is putting into practice the things He teaches you.

To believe in the Light is choosing to put your life, your faith and your confidence in Jesus. To believe in the Light is to decide your confidence is not in government, nor in yourself, nor in any other philosophy or worldview. To believe in the Light is to leave your sinful practices and habits. To believe in Jesus Christ means getting connected with a Jesus-preaching and Jesus obeying Church. You will need to have other believers encourage you in believing in the Light Who is Jesus. You will need new associations and new influences in your life who can help direct you in all that is associated with the Light that is Jesus.

To be sons of the Light means you will inherit the blessings of the Father. Jesus gains for you a place as a dearly loved son or daughter of the Most High God—He Who lives in Splendour. To live as a son or daughter of the light means people around you will see Jesus in you. They will see the changes you are making and know these changes are made in your life by the power presence of God Himself. It is true, sons and daughters of the Light are given the Holy Spirit Who guards you in Jesus, Who teaches You through Biblical preaching in church and your Bible reading so that you will understand the rich blessings that are yours already in Jesus Christ and the wonderful blessings of eternity in the Light of God’s glorious presence.

Faithful Jesus, thank You for making Yourself known to those You walked among two thousand years ago. Thank You Jesus that Your Spirit continues to shine the Light, teaching Who You Are and why living in the Light matters so much. Father in heaven, make Your Name great—let the Light of Jesus shine brightly from the pages of Scripture, from the life of believers, from the magnificence of creation. Father in heaven let believers shine the Light of Jesus with such devotion that many will be drawn to Jesus Christ. Amen.