February 22, 2025 -- Philippians 2:9-11 -- The Name above every other name
/People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11 ESV
The Christian who knows the Bible rejoices at the Name of Jesus. He is the rescue story of all who see their depraved sins and hate them. The Spirit, having convicted you of your sins then shows you the glory of Jesus. He rescued you from the wrath of God against your sin and delivers you cleansed and reconciled to God. This is the most glorious, most wondrous story. Christians love the Name of Jesus. He is their hero. He is the Captain of Salvation.
The world is not basically good. People are not basically good. What evidence do I have of this? The Name that is precious above every other name is constantly defamed and blasphemed in our world. Those who imbibe movies are taught to curse Jesus. Schools and workplaces where people are supposed to be taught to be professional, instead receive indoctrination leading to intentionally using the precious Name of Jesus as a curse word.
God has highly exalted the Name of Jesus. You who use His Name as a curse, beware, there will be a day of Judgment. When you die, or at Jesus’s return, when you see His majesty and glory on full display, you will fall to your knees and know the horrible depths of your sin.
God has highly exalted the Name of Jesus. You who claim to honour His Name but live for yourself and falsely wield the precious Name of Jesus as a club against others be warned. You will find your pride will result in your downfall as bear the curse of God.
God has highly exalted the Name of Jesus. Those who curse Him now will be cursed for all eternity in the depths of hell. Having taken what is most precious in the universe and attempted to defile it, you yourself will receive every defilement back upon yourself.
God has highly exalted the Name of Jesus. Even demons and Satan himself, all which have since their fall from heaven colluded together to get people to join them in their hatred of God and of His Christ, will be cast into hell and there is no exit or relief. Sinners and the demonic will be in endless horror together.
Be assured that now, if you are gradually becoming aware of what you’ve done, it is the work of the Holy Spirit changing you. Confess your sin against the Name of Jesus. Turn from such godless behavior. Cleanse your mind and your mouth so that both publicly and privately you will esteem Jesus as precious and worthy of all praise. Know Him Who is worthy of all obeisance and confess Him as your Savior and Lord.
Father in heaven, You created my mind and my mouth to declare Your glory. But both have, for so long, spewed corruption and filth. Spirit of God, the standard of Jesus and all His excellencies are so high above my experience and my comprehension. I confess I turn to lower matters, worldly matters, worthless things. Spirit of Splendor, as You make real to me the dire warning of this passage assist me to turn from my sin, hourly and daily hating it ever more completely, and replace this all. Into the vacuum where once the profaning of Jesus’s Name was the norm, create in me a voracious appetite for Jesus. Let that ravenous hunger for Him be filled by the Word, in prayer, and in self-sacrificing service so that as I pour out my life for Him, I find I am even more filled with the knowledge of Jesus. Add to this wisdom so that I will live, walk, and talk in loving obedience to Jesus. This is the fruit of righteousness that comes from living in deep fellowship with Him, Whom I once cursed, but now know and knowing Him increasingly marvel at His extravagant love and self-sacrifice. Amen.
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