November 25, 2020 -- John 14:15 -- Love leading to Obedience

If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

John 14:15 English Standard Version

You can almost hear the scoffers comment bitingly: “Oh, there those Christians go again—it is all about laws and rules.” Note carefully how Jesus frames this conditional sentence. Take a moment and reread it. I can wait. Let it sink in. Love is the motivator. Love is the basis from which obedience springs.

When a man loves a woman—all the other 3.7 + billion women on the planet are off limits to him. That is the commandment of love—a man keeping himself in dedication and love for this one woman to the exclusion of all others. Love commands such faithfulness.

When a woman has a baby that she loves, she gives her time, her love, her attention, to this child. She willingly changes diapers. She gets up for feedings in the night. She holds and rocks a fevered child—love commands such faithfulness.

When a believer understands the depths, the height, the width and the breadth of Jesus’ extravagant love then the only response is love expressed by faithfully keeping His commandments. The Spirit of God has shown us in Scripture what is good, what the proper response to Jesus’ love is and therefore, the only fitting response to Jesus’ prior love for us is faithfulness to His commandments. In this the Father is well-pleased. When believers love Jesus and obey His commandments, the Father Who sent the Son, is confessed as True and praised.

The prayer comes from Psalm 119:57a, 62-64

O LORD, You are my portion; at midnight I rise to praise You because of Your righteous rules.

I am a companion of all who fear You, of those who keep Your precepts.

The earth, O LORD, is full of Your steadfast love; teach me Your statutes! Amen.