May 3, 2024 -- Ephesians 5:8-10 -- Glorious Light

for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:8-10 ESV

Recently it happened again. A man asked me a sensitive question. If a baby died, whose parents were devout (though not to Jesus), would this little one go to heaven? The man added, that child had not done good or evil. It is a painful question because there are so many emotions tied up with this and so many personal experiences. Look at the first part of today's text. When people are not walking with Jesus they are darkness. Those who belong belong to Jesus are light. So, parents who are the shield or covering of their child—their faithfulness to God or their rebellion against God is profoundly connected to whatever happens to their young children. Until a child reaches the age of majority and himself can walk in light or darkness, that child’s life and his death is bound up with the deeds of his parents.

Why mention this? The text answers a basic question. There is no such thing as good if one is trying to define good without the Lord Jesus. As clearly as we can tell the different between light and dark, so clearly does the Bible teach that a man, a women, a child can not be good without Jesus’ redeeming work and the powerful presence of the Spirit directing him ever deeper into the light of Christ.

So, try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord, Parents, disciple your children to know Jesus. Pray for your young ones. Know the Bible well enough so that you can explain it to your growing children as they reach adulthood. Know the light of God and walk in it. Spring out here in the Maritimes has been cool and cloudy. Whenever sunshine breaks through the gloom of the clouds, well, people respond. After a gloomy morning, the sun started breaking up the afternoon clouds. I had been shopping. As I brought various things to the counter the cashier, whose till was facing the interior of the store and the large windows behind her were bathing her in glorious sunlight shared, isn’t it wonderful? The sunshine! Yes. Light has that effect on us. So too the light of Jesus Christ.

Wherever it is God has placed you, ask God, how can I serve You? A carpenter will have a different answer than a social worker. A nurse and a retiree will have different tasks to do. But whoever you are, whatever your health or lack of it, your riches or poverty, the Lord has a task for you that will shine His light into the areas He has ordained for you to shine. Ask God, what can I do today that will be pleasing to You? Help me to please You.

Glorious LORD Who alone lives in unapproachable light, blessed are You, now and forever more. Thank You for the light of Christ, Your Son, our Savior, Who dispels the darkness of our souls and brings the light of life. Spirit of God, help us to discern what is pleasing to You. Motivate us to walk as children of light so that those around us who are still chained in gloomy darkness, will be drawn to the light of Christ and seek release in His wonderful Name. Amen. Psalm 27

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