May 2, 2024 -- Proverbs 2:1-5 -- The Best Spiritual Stock Tip Ever

My son, if you receive my words
    and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
    and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
    and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
    and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-5 ESV

As I am writing this, gold prices have gone up about 27 dollars an ounce since yesterday. It is trending at $2319.00 per ounce. Silver is at about 26.95 an ounce. Why is the author of Proverbs suggesting people seek God’s insight and understanding like one would seek silver? When you compare the prices of silver and gold—silver seems far more attainable. It is within reach. Sure, it takes diligence and work to get silver; but gold seems too expensive, too out of reach for ordinary people.

Why are times alone with God so precious? They are a treasure, like silver, that can be yours by diligence, increased by constant effort, that is, by time spent alone with Him. Read the Word. Your life depends on it. Your future depends on it. Your hope depends on it.

Yesterday I was listening to a teaching by Paul Washer. He said if a strong man, a well-known fighter, fasted for many days, he’d take him on in a fight. The man would be so weakened by his lack of food he could easily be picked off. Now, think of the Devil. If you have fasted from the word of God, you are as weak as can be and you'd have no defense against the punches and schemes of the Devil.

Take in the Word of God, like a man who is ending a long fast. Read the Bible, like a man who is assessing stock markets and desiring silver, wanting to have it as treasure. Trust that God will build your treasures in Heaven. The great treasures you store there, that can never be taken: seeing Jesus, your Savior, face to face. Knowing your sins, what a glorious thought, your sins, not in part, but the whole are nailed to the cross of Jesus and now you have eternity to rejoice in His presence, praising Him, thanking Him, honouring Him. You have life that stretches on for all eternity. You will have the capacity, granted to you by the Spirit of God, to know God ever more fully and ever more completely truly enjoy Him.

God of Splendor and Glory, Who is like You? There are no treasures, no gods, no good that can be found anywhere in the universe, or in the mines of mountains, or in the depths of ocean that can be compared to You. You are without rival or equal. You alone are God, marvelous in all Your ways. Your radiance is reflected in Jesus Christ—Who is the exact representation of Your glory and goodness and faithfulness. Ah, LORD of Wisdom, send Your Spirit so that our hunger for the Word increases and our ability to take it in is expanded. Spirit of the Living God, help us to treasure up every page of Scripture and hoard it like silver from heaven that can never be stolen, but gains ever more interest every day. Amen. “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

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