May 27, 2024 -- Psalm 33:20 -- The LORD is our Help and our Shield

Our soul waits for the LORD
He is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:20 ESV

Interesting that the text says “our soul”. Earlier in the Psalm it is noted that the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him. So, the people who believe in Him, Who trust in Him alone for their salvation are under His watchful eye. It is those people who collectively wait on on the LORD. To wait on Him is to ask His advice and not move forward until He answers. The LORD our God answers His people through the Bible. It is His clearest answer. He speaks through the preaching of the Word. He speaks through the advice of Christian brothers and sisters. He speaks by His Spirit. He speaks when believers have confessed their sins, hating them and seeking the forgiveness of the LORD. One cannot on one hand love sin and on the other be asking the LORD for His blessing.

The LORD is the help of His people. When His people need to be lifted up from the pit of despair, from the wounds inflicted by sin, He is their help and salvation. What the Psalmist longed for is given in Jesus Christ—He is our help and our strength. In Him is forgiveness full and free.

The LORD is the shield of His people The shield is held close when there is fierce combat near at hand. When there is hand-to-hand fighting on the battle field it is the LORD Who is the shield of His people. He is your full protection against the lies of the enemy. He is your salvation so that to live is Christ and to die is gain. His Spirit lives in you, disarming the lies of the Devil, making Scripture come alive to you, shielding you even from your own sinful and wayward leading thoughts. Now wonder the Psalmist is rejoicing in the LORD His God.

Father in heaven, blessed and honoured be Your Name, now and always. At the start of this day, we have no idea what help we’ll need or what battles we’ll face. Thank You for the sure and tested promise that You are the help of Your people and our shield. Through-out the day may Your Spirit lead us to think on You, renew our trust in You, and this based on the accomplished work of Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, the Captain of our Salvation. Amen. I Serve a Savior - Josh Turner

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