May 26, 2024 -- Psalm 32:1-2 -- Blessing God with a heart that knows it is forgiven

Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven,
   whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity,
   and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Psalm 32:1-2

This Psalm is a “maskil” which means it is a teaching, set to music, so that one will memorize it and internalize the deep truth it contains. When I used to go to visit nursing homes and teach a bible lesson, many folks in the audience did not seem to understand much of what I was saying. When it came time to sing, before and after the Bible lesson, I could see many participants suddenly light up, and from memory sing choruses of the old familiar hymns. God in His grace had given these men and women the joy of remembering His beauty and glorious salvation.

Transgressions are those sins which we intentionally commit. Like the “No Trespassing” sign on a property, clearly marked, which we disregard and go ahead and trespass anyways. If you are anything like me, you shake you head at how often you climb over that fence and trespass anyways. The reason the Psalmist is singing springs from that exact situation. He knows he is still a sinner. He knows the grace of God shown him in Christ (to Whom all the Old Testament pointed) is greater than all his sin. The offerings offered at the Tent of Meeting, and later in Israel’s history at the Temple, repeatedly offered, pointed to the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus.

Notice that these sacrifices happened again and again. God knew the need for people to have visually represented so they'd finally deeply understand He is prepared to forgive His people to the full extent of their trespasses and to the widest margin of their guilt. It is wholly covered. When a believer truly understands that, he is happy. When a sinner knows her sins are no longer counted against her, she can’t help but bless the God of Glory Who is so rich in mercy.

The reason a forgiven believer has no deceit in his spirit flows from the fact that he knows as soon as he is confronted with his sin, he can confess it and he is forgiven. There is no deceitful practice of negotiating with God, or trying to hold onto sin and onto Him. No. One who messes up, fesses up and finds forgiveness full and free. What results is a believer who wants more and more of God and less and less association with the former sinful practices.

Faithful Father, with the psalmist we cry, “Love the LORD, all you His saints! The LORD preserves the faithful”. By the presence of Your Spirit, assist us to proclaim Your praise, O God, and strengthen us to walk in the newness of life which has been granted to us in Jesus Christ. As we gather with believers this Sunday, may we all together encourage the weary, comfort the sinners who confess their brokenness and rejoice with the ones who are experiencing victory in Jesus. Again, with the psalmist we pray to you, looking for Your help so that we can “be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!” Amen.

quotations are from Psalm 31:23-24 ESV “O Day of Rest and Gladness”

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