May 24, 2024 -- Psalm 145:18 -- Is God near? Is He near to me?

The LORD is near to all who can on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
Psalm 145:18 ESV

A few days ago I was leading a Bible Study in a federal prison. One of the men asked how we can be near to God when He is so far away in heaven? I paused for a moment before answering. During that brief interlude, another man piped up. This is what he said,
We can’t touch God.
But with our prayers we touch Him.
Our minds can touch Him.
Our words can touch Him.

It was so moving. Please understand this is a man who had long struggled in his relationship with God. His past, his anger issues, his frustrations at life in prison all contribute to a very rocky walk with God. However, the men in that chapel were quite for a moment. We all heard a beautiful declaration of faith.

Does God seem distant to you today? Read the Bible. He assures you He is near. His Spirit lives in you. His has placed you among Christians where you can share your precious faith and be encouraged. He has given you to other Christians who might need to hear your confident assertion that God is near. In response, you can pray and touch the goodness of the God Who loved you so much that He did not leave you in your sin and shame, but has given you new life and forgiveness in Christ. The Father in heaven together with His Son have poured out the Spirit Who lives in you so that your words touch the God the Glory.

Father in heaven, high and exalted in splendor, thank You for the marvelous promise that You are near. Thank You that Jesus has opened the way so that this conversation is even possible. Thank You for the Spirit Who hears our every thought, word and sigh. Amen. “Let the Words of My Heart”

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