May 22, 2024 -- III John 4 -- Christians walking in the truth with Jesus

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
III John 4 ESV

The apostle John writes to encourage believers. His three letters are likely from the 80’s A.D., perhaps as late as the early 90’s. These are written more than four decades after Jesus had ascended to heaven. The context of today’s text is a short letter written to believers who are struggling with those who appear to be Christians but are not. Those are people in church who are fighting against the cause of Christ. This letter is written to a faithful elder who obviously has his hands full as he leads this people.

Already in the first four verses John uses the word "truth" four times. Truth is a hallmark of maturity. It makes sense that Christians who are walking in the truth give joy to this congregation's mentor John.

Before a Christian can walk, he is an infant in the faith. Bottle-fed spiritual truths, encouraged, closely watched. There is a long period of careful nurture necessary before a young Christian is old enough to walk in the truth and defend the truth.

Christian believers who are helping new Christians please realize how much time must be invested, patience, training in righteousness and aid given when the little one, learning to walk falls down.

Sure, there are people who, touched by the Spirit of God, grow incredibly fast and seem to understand the Word of Truth very quickly. Thanks be to God for such brothers and sisters. However, the pattern is infants in the faith to toddlers, to children who are walking. Think how much time a parent spends teaching a little one everything necessary to go from cradle to youth.

Mature Christian, to whom do you need to show more patience as your disciple learns to walk? Recommit yourself to the long term investment of prayer, teaching, love and time.

Young Christian, do not be discouraged by how hard it is to walk with God. Fast fact. Some babies become toddlers, learning to walk as early as 9 months, others are taking their baby steps at 20 months. Yet, in all that time there is mental growth, emotional growth, physical growth, spiritual growth. Trust that God is working in you. Consistently seek out a spiritual mentor who will lead you in our precious faith.

Faither in heaven, thank You for the new life You give Your people in Jesus Christ. Spirit of the Living God, help us to walk in Jesus Christ, each of us appropriately growing in maturity in the circumstances of life in which You have placed us. Amen. “Abide”

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