May 19, 2024 -- Proverbs 19:27 -- Anchored so you do not shipwreck your faith

Cease to hear instruction, my son,
and you will stray from the words of knowledge.
Proverbs 19:27 ESV

Why bother going to church this Sunday? The Proverbs give a clear answer. When you stop listening to the word of God, hearing sermons and the heeding the advice of fellow believers, you will stray. Some of you who know me well enough to know that I wear a small gold anchor pendant on a golden anchor chain. For me, this is a clear reminder from Hebrews 2—do not drift! And Hebrews 6 Jesus is the anchor of our souls.

A fisherman in a boat puts down his anchor at a prime fishing spot. If he does not do so, the current, the waves and the wind will soon have him drift far from that spot. So it is with us and the word of God. It is the anchor for our souls. If we do not stay anchored to Jesus in the power of His Spirit, we will drift. Paul warns “By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith” (I Timothy 1:19).

Are you finding it harder and harder to avoid sin? You are drifting from the word of knowledge.

Are you finding it difficult to stay focused on the Word? It is because you have not exercised your brain in the word of life.

Are you finding Christian friends boring and the worldly ones more exciting? You have rammed the rocky shore that will make shipwreck of your faith.

Today, if you hear His voice in these words, do not harden your hearts, return to the Word, join with God’s people in worship.

Thank You God our Father, for the One Mediator between You and men, the man Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself as a ransom for all. Thank You for Spirit-led preachers and teachers, evangelists and missionaries who proclaim this good news, allowing people to anchor their hope firmly in Jesus Christ. Faithful Father, let those of us who are regular in our walk with You, welcome back to church, those who’ve drifted or hit rocky shoals, so that together we will rejoice in Jesus. To You, Triune God, belong all glory, praise and renown, now and forever more. Amen. Tenth Avenue North “I Have this Hope”

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