May 18, 2024 -- Titus 3:1-4 -- Living and loving as Jesus Commanded

And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need and not be unfruitful.
Titus 3:14 ESV

Wait, is this the same text as yesterday? No. But it is a close parallel. In verse 8 believers are commanded to be careful to do good works. In that instance, the context showed the purpose good works was to demonstrate the fact the one doing them has already been saved. Thus, the good works bring glory to God. Good works demonstrate the unity among believers, which is evidence of God’s gracious presence among them.

Why repeat this command again? Do you remember the greatest commandment? Jesus commanded: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself” Matthew 22:37-38. Likely it was with this in mind, Paul was instructing Titus and the believers in his care to learn to devote themselves to good works so that the second part of Jesus’ commandment, love your neighbour, is fulfilled.

It is easy for believers to judge other believers and be hesitant to help out. Or even to deny help. But within the family of faith, it should be said of believers see how they love one another. This is learned. Those whom God the Father saves through our Lord Jesus Christ are people who were sinners. Manipulators. Swindlers. Sexually promiscuous. Thieves. Murderers. Rich. Poor. Healthy. Sick. Addicts. And so on. But thanks be to God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that is what we were—yes, past tense action with the on-going result that we are now the family of God.

When we express our love for God, the love He has demonstrated to us fills us all over again and from the overflow of His love we in turn help the people around us. The Spirit of God softens our hearts so that we learn to ask for help. The same Spirit prepares believers to help each other out and share love. Ultimately we do not remember each other by our former sins, but we see each other through the lens of God’s redeeming love. Together, the helper and the ones blessed, are drawn closer to Jesus and closer to one another.

Is this idealistic? Absolutely! Is this hard to do? You bet it is! Not one of use deserves God’s grace. There is no person who can  stand up and say "I claim God’s mercy based on my own merits " (or goodness or natural-born impulses). We are, all of us, wretched sinners amazed by the grace shown to us from the Father and shown to us by those who having been saved in Jesus Christ are now excited to share His love. It is hard work. It is the only work worth doing.

Father in heaven thank You for Your electing love so clearly demonstrated to us in Jesus Christ. Blessed Father and Son thank You for the godliness You are working within us through the Holy Spirit Who is continually conforming every part of our life into every way that accords with godliness. Forgive us for the times we rejoiced in Your love and yet we were hoarding it ,refusing to share it with those around us even though they were in urgent need. Counselor Spirit motivate us to live as true children of the Father, bound together in a common faith which is continually supplied by the grace and peace which rest on us from the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen.
(This prayer is based on Titus 1:1-4) “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Chris Tomlin

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