May 16, 2024 -- Proverbs 16:3 -- Roll Away that Spiritual Lethargy

Commit your work to the LORD,
    and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3 ESV

There are a thousand little decisions that need to be made each day. At the check-out counter, do I buy that chocolate bar? At the side of the social media account there is a sexy ad, do I click on it? Do I set my alarm for 6AM so I can spend time reading the Bible and praying, or do I set my alarm for 6:30, so I get up, shower and have my coffee and get to work early so that the big project can be completed?

Now, look again at today’s text. Read it once or twice. The word commit is odd. In Hebrew it means to roll, like to roll a heavy stone which covers the mouth of well. It makes sense. My own inertia will keep me from doing the good I know I need to do. When I roll away the stone of laziness, of indecision, of old, bad habits—I will instead commit myself to doing what God the LORD demands of me. So, having decided in advance, at the start of the day, that I will serve Him, all my decisions are in line with my commitment. I do not click on a sexy ad because I’ve already done the hard work of deciding I am going to live for Jesus. I do not impulse buy because I have already decided to serve the LORD. The offer of something that will pull me back into addiction will be waved off because earlier I decided in my heart to serve God with my mind, my heart and my body.

Notice the One to Whom all this service is offered. The LORD. When His Name is spelled out in all capital letters it is His Name of salvation. The LORD, the Name by which His people know they have been delivered from sin by the accomplished work of Jesus. God the Father has rolled away our reproach—He has committed Himself to us and our salvation. Our commitment to God the Father is made in view of Jesus’ work at the cross whereby our sins have been punished and the strength for us to live this way is granted to believers by the Holy Spirit Who lives in us.

Father in heaven thank You that You have by the work of Jesus rolled away the reproach of our sins and removed from us the weight of Your just anger. Father in heaven, we bless You and thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Spirit of the Living God make our minds and hearts strong so that we will both commit ourselves to responding to the Father’s love and strong enough to carry out this resolve in every decision of the day. Oh, blessed God, let our ways please You. Amen. Selah “I Got Saved”

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