May 14, 2023 -- II Timothy 1:6-7 -- Drain from your mind the cesspools of sin then fan into flame the gift of God

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
II Timothy 1:7 ESV

Paul was writing to Timothy, his true son in the faith, reminding him of the faith that had taken hold of him through the faithful teaching of his mother and grandmother. Who influenced your faith? Who taught you the way of God? Memory is so important, so that you are not distracted from the pathway of God but setting aside and even putting to death whatever might keep you from following Jesus.

One of my favorite quotes is: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” This is a quotation from G. K. Chesterton. It describes why self-control is so rare. Christianity is hard. It requires a man to completely master his mind and his actions. The self-control that Paul was speaking of when he was writing Timothy is that strong, fierce, ruthless work of avoiding any sin, any wayward thought or any temptation that would douse the fire of devotion to God.

Look at the resources God the Father has given you in Christ. You have the power of the Holy Spirit living in you. When you name Jesus Christ as Lord, you are claiming the power of His Holy Spirit. You have all you need for fullest life in Him. You have love. The one who truly loves himself will not be doing things that will kill him. The pathway of Jesus Christ is the most loving thing one can do for God and for loving self and for loving neighbour.

The one who is walking in the love of Jesus Christ walks knowing He is loved. The Father in heaven has given the greatest treasure of heaven—His Son Jesus. The love of Jesus is such that He stood up in God’s courtroom and said, “Father, I’ll be punished for his sins, for her sins, for their sins.” The love of the Spirit is so great that one filled with the Spirit will have his conscience awakened to hate sin, knowing that sin is a baited hook used by the Devil to lure you from all that wholesome, helpful and healing. Once hooked, you’ll know the hatred of the Devil, self-loathing, and anger against those who joined forces with evil to lure you in.

Fan into flame the gift of God. Spend time with Christians whose walk with God you admire. Spend time reading the Bible. Listen to the Bible through apps so that you will hear the beauty of what God will speak to you. Confess your sin and admit to God how much you need His Spirit to drain from your mind and heart the cesspools of filthy words, thoughts, and deeds. Pray that the Spirit will pile on your spirit kindling so that your passion for God will burn brightly, consuming any sinful temptation.

Thank You, O God my Father, for the blessing of a clear conscience and a soul made right with You by the accomplished work of Jesus. Thank You, mighty God, for those in Christ who lead us to the joy of the Lord and inspire us to fight sin, battle addictions, hate old patterns. Thank You Faithful Father, for the gift of Your Holy Spirit, by Whom fearfulness is torn out of us and is replaced with spiritual power, heaven-sent love and that blessed, new-life -in-Jesus affirming fruit of the Spirit—self-control. Amen. “I Got Saved” Selah

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