April 29, 2024 -- Genesis 12:10 & Genesis 13:2 -- Faith and Obedience

Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land. Genesis 12:10

Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in siler, and in gold. Genesis 13:2

Quite a contrast. In the first quotation the LORD of Glory used the famine to test Abram and Sarai’s obedience and faithfulness. They failed. They lied. They did not trust the LORD to protect them, as He had protected them since calling them out of the land of Ur, having them cross the 1600 plus km to Shechem, through harsh wilds where beasts might devour and territories where enemies might strike them. They’d seen the goodness of God, but did not trust Him to protect them in Egypt. Though they were faithless, God was faithful.

In the second quotation, Abram’s riches brought him into conflict with Lot, his nephew. The land where they were staying could not support the flocks and herds of both men. This time, Abram was honourable. It shows that he was growing in his confident trust in the LORD. He was trusting God to provide for him.

The point is simple, dear family in Christ, the heavenly Father uses all the circumstances of our life to reveal how much, or how little, we trust Him. The Spirit of the Living God uses the Word along with these tests for obedience and faith in order to bring us to confess what needs to be confessed, bless God where we see the growth He is bringing, and deepen true community in Christ.  Where one brother sees another struggling—he can encourage his struggling brother to find peace in his walk with Jesus.

Father in heaven thank You that Your eye is always on Your child. Thank You that You are using every circumstance of our life so that we will grow in Christ, ever deeper in obedience, ever more aware of our need to rely on the Spirit for greater steadfastness in faith. Thank You for every example of Scripture where You, O God, are the hero, their rescue-story and Savior. Amen.

https://youtu.be/ghi-48bqqDE?si=IjxKCc2uSQpJLbKI “Rescue Story”