April 28, 2024 -- Proverbs 28:2 -- What happens when leaders act in ways that are lawless

When a land transgresses, it has many rulers,
    but with a man of understanding and knowledge,
    its stability will long continue.
Proverbs 28:2 ESV

Simply put, when the people in any country rebel against God and His ways, they will experience all kinds of instability. Let me give an illustration from what is happening here in New Brunswick. Premier Higgs and his education minister have determined that schools must inform parents when a child, under 16 years of age, wants to change his preferred gender or pronouns, or follow through with even worse advice so freely given. Moncton’s Anglophone East District Education Council has defied the law and voted to allow students to do so anyways. (In fact, leaked documents from the AEDEC show they have determined that parents are among those who do not have the best interests of children at heart!) The Education minister repealed the ruling of the Education Council. Then the Education Council voted their illegal policy back into force. This one example highlights how many rulers the land has. The East District Education Council is leading in rebellion against the government. The agenda of sex politics is influencing policy across the country—in defiance of sense, worse yet, in defiance of God’s order. He Who created all things, does He not have the right to rule?

The effects of the East District Education Council will be that students, seeing their local authority rebelling and acting without reference to proper authority will themselves increase in lawless behavior. That lawless behaviour will happen at home, at school, and disregard for laws of property, or the safety of those around them. Students will be bullies and disrespectful because they see their own teachers and school board acting in that way. Parental authority, long being eroded by the federal government’s policies and now by this Education Council, incites formerly law-abiding men and women to react as well.

The Bible explains why there is such a growing chaotic increase of people who act as if they are in charge—it is the direct result of the leaders of the land who are violating the laws of God. What can bring about a change? When the land, from the households of believers, to the House, begin to abide by the Law of God change will happen. Believers are commanded to pray for leaders and all those in authority “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (I Timothy 2:2).

How does a Christian respond to the chaos in Canada? He is confident of God’s Sovereign rule. He prays. He lives in accord with the regulations God has laid down in the Bible—knowing that the LORD Who saved him from death, hell, and the power of the Devil, will direct him so that his life will shine as a powerful witness to the world around him. Believers will understand that Christians have, through-out the generations, expected to suffer and they did in fact suffer for our precious faith. This is true today as well. Do not despair. Trust in the divine rule of God, confident that evil will always, ultimately claw against itself, while those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength. Gather with other Christians in church. Keep before your eyes the goodness of God.

Father in heaven thank You for Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself as a ransom for all. Thank You that the powers of this age and the demonic powers of unseen realms are no match for Your plan, Your purposes and the good You will bring into the lives of Your people. Forgive us, Father of Mercy, for our prayerlessness and our misplaced discouragement. By the presence of Your Spirit, renew in us the clear awareness that Christ is the King and He is reigning in power. As Your people gather to worship, O Triune God, redirect us by Your Word and Spirit so that we will live as a vital force for good in this crooked and wicked generation. Prepare us for the suffering that will come to us, which is light and momentary suffering, in view of the great glory and mighty salvation which is ours in Christ. Let our lives reflect Your glory. Amen.

https://youtu.be/2DN3L2FQMLg?si=Qt-Q7-o_mg4FFYRI “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”

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