November 9, 2023 -- Hebrews 6:9-12 -- Perseverance in our precious faith
/People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!
Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. 10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. 11 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6:9-12 ESV
The writer to the Hebrews has just given a strong word against apostacy and exposing what apostates are, 6:1-8. Apostasy is wicked because those who have known of Jesus, heard sermons preached and participated in the blessings of Christian community then turn and reject Jesus, mock Him and in a very real sense crucify Him again. However, Paul is writing to those who are hearers of the Christian message and now he is teaching believers to see the signs of assurance of their Christian faith. Here are some signs of true faith.
Christians show love to God.
Christians serve others, and this in reference to their love for God.
Christians persevere, even through hard times and trials.
Christians are not sluggish, or lazy.
Christians have full assurance and hope which guards them until they see Jesus, either at their death or at His glorious return with all His holy ones.
Be honest. You struggle sometimes. You are weary sometimes in our precious faith. It may be most of these signs are absent. The Lord our God notices you, as it says in our passage, the Lord does not overlook your work. Sometimes our faith is a barely glowing coal, other times we are white hot with passion for our King and delight in serving Him. If you find yourself at low heat, pray. Find a Christian friend and spend time together. Name your blessings and give thanks to God. Ask for the Spirit’s help, He loves to reveal Jesus through the Bible. Stay connected with a Christian church that preaches and teaches all the Bible, Old and New Testament, and thereby honours Jesus to the glory of the Father. Ask for help from fellow Christians when you need it.
Our Father in heaven thank You for the gift of Jesus, our Great High Priest, the Captain of Salvation. Thank You that You have drawn us to Yourself in love through Jesus’ reconciling blood. Thank You for the gift of the Spirit Who enlivens our faith and stokes the embers of it so that we may roar with the fires of devotion. Today, help those who are low burning and flickering. Restore communion with Yourself and with Christian believers for those who are lonely. Direct those who are afire with true devotion to continue to honour and bless Your Name and to be a blessed encouragement to those around them whose hearts are dry tinder and ready to feel the heat of Your love. Amen. “I’d Rather Have Jesus/Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Gaither Music
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