November 7, 2023 -- Daniel 6:10B -- Daily Prayer

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

He got down on his knees three times a day
and prayed and gave thanks before His God,
as he had done previously.
Daniel 6:10b ESV

Daniel was a foreigner living in the court of King Darius. He was one of the closest advisors to the king and more importantly, he was a servant of the Most High King. It is recorded in various places that Daniel prayed, or that he prayed and fasted. He survived seventy years as an exile from Jerusalem and because he lived as a man devoted to his God. The same God Who had sealed Daniel in His covenant love is the Glorious One to Whom Daniel offered his prayers and his thanks. He faithfully lived as a foreigner, an exile, and a man persecuted for his faith even though he'd repeatedly showed himself a loyal servant to the leader-kings of these foreign lands. He often faced severe trials.

As our culture becomes increasingly pagan and turns from God (notably the Canadian government has just decreed Remembrance Day events at the cenotaphs and public squares can no longer includes prayers to Jesus) it is increasingly necessary for believers to kneel before the our God. In God we find favour because of Jesus Christ and His reconciling blood. In God we find the out-poured gift of the Holy Spirit by Whom we have the strength to face whatever our secular world throws at us. In God we have hope, and all joy and all peace in believing (Romans 15:13). Go to Him, God our Hope and Help, daily, several times a day and find in Him your lasting and rich joy.

Today’s prayer begins with the words of King Darius, who had tried to stand against Daniel’s God, and lost.

“Tremble and fear before God,
for He is the Living God;
His Kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and His dominion shall be to the end.
He delivers and rescues;
He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth,
He Who saved Daniel from the power of the lions.”^
Living God, in our homes, in our work, in this world,
be glorified, now and forevermore. Amen.
^Daniel 6:26-27 “Desert Road” Casting Crowns

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