July 2, 2021 -- Psalm 135:13-14 -- His Renown! His Fame! His Glory!
/Your Name, O LORD, endures forever,
Your renown, O LORD, throughout all ages.
For the LORD will vindicate He people
and have compassion on His servants.
Psalm 135:13-14 ESV
What a stirring refrain! Kingdoms and tyrants, depots and princes rise and fall and fade into obscurity such that archeologists must debate and argue about the inscriptions and meaning of scratches on walls trying to determine what this or that tomb drawing meant. No such issue with the LORD our God. His renown—His prominence, His actions, His reputation, and His fame is recounted generation after generation. Even the cynics who claimed “god is dead” are now forgotten and the Splendor of the LORD increases.
There will be a day when all nations and all people, all rich and poor, will stand before Jesus Christ and those who served Him, obeying His decrees and commands, despite the prevailing godless of the ages they lived in, will be proven and declared approved servants of the Most High. Do not despair in these Covid times. Read the Word. Pray with fellow Christians. Attend church where you are able to attend church or live stream if it attendance is not possible.
Understand that all our righteousness comes from Jesus Christ All our standing before God is not based on our response to Covid. Know that the LORD has compassion on His servants. Where the LORD gives opportunity, act justly and love kindness showing mercy to those around you and walk humbly with God.
It is a good day to me when thou givest me
a glimpse of myself;
Sin is my greatest evil,
but thou art my greatest good;
I have cause to loathe myself,
and not to seek self-honour,
for no one desires to commend his own dunghill.
My country, family, church
fare worse because of my sins,
for sinners bring judgment in thinking
sins are small,
or that God is not angry with them.
Let me not take other good men as my example,
and think I am good because I am like them,
For all good men are not so good as thou desirest,
are not always consistent,
do not always follow holiness,
do not feel eternal good in sore affliction.
Show me how to know when a thing is evil
which I think is right and good,
how to know when what is lawful
comes from an evil principle,
such as desire for reputation or wealth by usury.
Give me grace to recall my needs,
my lack of knowing thy will in Scripture,
of wisdom to guide others,
of daily repentance, want of which keeps thee at bay,
of the spirit of prayer, having words without love,
of zeal for thy glory, seeking my own ends,
of joy in thee and thy will,
of love to others.
And let me not lay my pipe
too short of the fountain,
never touching the eternal spring,
never drawing down water from above.
"Self-Knowledge". Valley of Vision: Puritan Prayers and Devotions. Page 122