August 30, 2020 -- John 7:30 -- Kept Safe

So they were seeking to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come.

John 7:30 English Standard Version

What is clear through-out the whole Gospel of John is the fact that Jesus is in charge of all that happens to Him. Repeatedly the conflict between the sons of the First Adam and the Son of God—our final, true Adam, the head of all who believe—are laid bare. Right from John 1 the very people who were His own did not receive him (John 1:11). The Pharisees sent people to investigate—they were keenly aware of all the prophesies of Messiah—but they rejected Jesus. Again and again the very people who should have pointed others to Jesus did themselves reject Jesus and they aimed to have others turn from Him also. They showed themselves to be the children of sin, the children of the first Adam, in whom there is only death.

This conflict traces through the whole Gospel and Jesus is never trapped, never cornered by the corrupt. Instead, Jesus preached and taught until the hour appointed by the Father when His redeeming work on the cross had come. In fact, even Jesus’ arrest and trial required His cooperation. But that is for later devotionals.

How is this brief text comforting for us today? The Sovereign of Heaven and Earth knows the purpose of our lives and the length of our days. Our lives and the moment of our death are in His hands. We need not fear health crises. We need not be overcome by our sins—Jesus paid it all!

We are comforted by the teaching of today’s text because we learn that our Father in heaven will give us all we need as we need it. Jesus faced tremendous hardship and persecution, but He was given the Spirit of God to sustain Him. All who believe in Jesus Christ will be given the same Spirit, the Spirit of Comfort and of Power, so that we will be able to face whatever our Father in heaven has appointed for us. We have times of joy and times of sorrow we will have times of testing and times of Sabbath. All of these are used by our Father in heaven in order to forge in us that faith that will be perfected in eternity.

Do not lose heart nor be discouraged if the day is particularly hard. Our Father is near. His Spirit will anchor you on the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus Christ.

Thank You, Father in heaven, that You have numbered our days. Thank You for the work of Jesus Christ because of Whom we are counted as Your beloved sons and daughters. Thank You for the Spirit of God, given and sealed in us until the day of Jesus’s return in glory. We pray, faithful Father, for our friends and family members who do not know You. May this day be for them the day of salvation and wondrous joy. Guide us, by Your Word and Spirit to be open and ready for every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus, our Savior-King. Amen.