August 29, 2020 -- John 7:18 -- God the Foundation of all knowing

The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood.

John 7:18 English Standard Version

“There is no god.” It is a (ridiculous) statement you will hear as men debate morality, origins of the universe and the grounds for science or understanding. My question is this: how do you know there is no god? By what authority have you determined this to be true?

Stephen Hawking, the great thinker, cosmologist, and atheist was quoted as saying:

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance,

it is the illusion of knowledge.

His words are ironic. He himself was trapped in his own illusion of knowledge. He had opinions about heaven (there isn’t one); about death (our lives are like computers when we die they just shut off)—this is from Time magazine, March 14, 2018.. For all Hawking’s great insights and prodigious learning and exploration of mysteries, he cut himself off from the possibility of deep and true knowledge, knowledge that is rooted in God, Who is the creator of heaven and earth. He is proves himself to be part of a long heritage of thinkers who are trapped in the illusion of knowledge.

Protagoras, 490 BC to 420 BC, stated man is the measure of all things. By this he believed man set the standards for morality and for value—no god is necessary. Again, what we encounter is a man boxed in by the illusion of knowledge, someone who at first glance seems profound and deep in his thinking, but is, in fact, deeply ignorant and incapable of true insight. Protagoras, and others who speak like the Father of Lies, cannot grasp the true nature of knowledge.

The majestic glory of the LORD Most High, Who is the source of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding invites thinkers and philosophers, explorers and theologians to dive into seeking out all knowledge and understanding. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, it is the glory of kings (philosophers, cosmologists, geologists, and theologians) to search it out (Proverbs 25:2). The reason Jesus was credited with authority, and crowds longed to hear and know more, can be traced to the fact that His speaking and teaching were anchored in the glory of the Father. Jesus was not boxed in by the illusion of knowledge, Jesus was trusting in His Father in heaven, seeking all knowledge and revealing all truth which can only be found in Him Who is All-knowing.

Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Psalm 16:1-2

Great are You, LORD, and worthy of glory. High and deep are the marvelous mysteries of creation. Thank You for the wonderful joy of seeking to learn, exploring to understanding and examining closely so that we, puny as we are, may grow in knowledge. You are the Source of all Truth. You undergird creation so that it all hangs together in Jesus Christ—the Head. By Your Word and Spirit continue to grant men and women the wonderful privilege of delving deeply into matters as diverse as religion and cosmology, biology and languages so that Your great splendour and awesome beauty may be known among us. As we learn, as we make new discoveries, may Your Name be praised and the wondrous intricacies of creation cause us to bless You with ever greater wonder, delight, thanksgiving and praise. Amen.

Note it takes about one minute to start: