June 9, 2020 -- John 1:47-49 -- From misunderstanding to right standing

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”

John 1:47-49 English Standard Version

What will it take for you to believe Jesus is the promised one of God? Nathanael was a cynic. He could not imagine anything good would come out of Nazareth—the village where Jesus grew up. Nathanael had a particular preconceived notion of Who God should be, How He should act.

John’s Gospel is particularly good at showing us our foibles. There is a device called the Johannine misunderstanding which moves the Gospel narrative along. People listening to Jesus would not understand a particular point or saying of Jesus. As Jesus explained it both His followers then and the readers today would understand what Jesus is teaching.

Nathanael asked: “How do you know me? This is classic misunderstanding. As readers of John’s Gospel we know Jesus made all things, nothing was made that has been made without him. Nathanael is Jesus’ own handiwork. Nathanael is so precious to the Shepherd of Israel that He became incarnate in order to seek and save him.

We are so like Nathanael. After being confronted with a point of the Good News we have questions for the God of Glory. Easily we ask God: “How do YOU know ME? We ask this of Him Who created us. We borrow breathe from His creation in order to use the mouth He has formed in us in order to ask Him this impudent question! Isn’t that rich? The tremendous majestic loving-kindness of the Savior is such that He stoops to our weakness and reveals Himself, answers our questions and is patient with us not wanting that any appointed to life should perish.

If you are curious about Jesus—ask your questions. Find a Christian friend whose walk with God you respect and explore Who Jesus Is. Ask what the Bible means in this passage or that place? Our very foibles and questions are being used by God our Father to show the depths of His love revealed in Jesus Christ making such things known by the powerful presence of the Spirit Who delights to emphasize the beautiful work of Jesus.

Oh God our Father, what is a man that You are mindful of him? What is a woman that You, Patient King of Heaven and Earth, should deign to hear and answer her perturbed questioning? Who is like You Oh God?! There is none in the vast expanses of space, nor in the heavens, nor on the earth nor under the earth that can possibly compare with You in magnificence, in loving-kindness, in creative splendor. As You, Spirit of Truth knock down our arguments and answer the questions of our souls, may we with zeal and excited wonder invite friends and neighbours, family and coworkers to taste and see the goodness of God which is most perfectly revealed in Jesus the Radiant One. Amen.

If you have a minute and 50 seconds, enjoy this beautiful version of “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
