June 10, 2020 -- John 2:5 -- Do whatever Jesus tells you
/His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
John 2:5 English Standard Version
Jesus and His disciples are attending a wedding feast in Cana. Jesus’ mother was there as well. She is aware that the banquet steward is facing a crisis: they have nearly run out of wine. So Mary asks Jesus to intervene. It is simple and profound what she tells the servants: “Do whatever he tells you”. The servants are told to fills six stone jars with water and dip out some of the water and bring it to the master of the banquet. That seems crazy. You can imagine there’d be all kinds of objections. No wonder Mary had urged them “Do whatever he tells you”!
Isn’t that the way with us? We have a clear instruction from the LORD and we have objections. We can think of reasons why this does not apply to me. We can think of excuses why this would apply to others but I am strong enough, or wise enough so that this won’t affect me. So we do not instead of doing whatever He tells us.
Time and time again I have spoken with Christians who know they should only date Christians. However, they believe in their case they’ll be able to stand strong in their faith. Rather than doing whatever Jesus tells them, they do their own thing, to their great detriment. What about times when we go to worship even though we are harboring bitterness or resentment against a brother or sister? We have been told to leave our gift on the altar and make amends with our brother or sister. Here we do not do whatever Jesus tells us. We have churches where people have not spoken with one another for months or even years!
Ah beloved of Jesus, today we are invited to make it right. We are to do whatever He tells us. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows His commandments are unlike anything the world offers or commands. Our hearts are not automatically inclined towards obedience to the God of Glory. We buck against all sound reason, striving to return to the manure-filled stalls of our disobedience.
However, when we face the commandments of Jesus and in faith do whatever He tells us, we are given a peace that the world cannot explain. There is joy in His service filled with glory. Our circumstances may be difficult. We may face ridicule or discontentment from people around us precisely because we are following Jesus. Those around us who do not know the commandments of Jesus, will react, but it is exactly at that moment where they experience dissonance that we can express our confident faith in Jesus. Perhaps it is fellow Christians who will react and push back. It is precisely at that moment that we place our confident faith in Jesus and His commandments rather than accommodating the wrong we think might be the pathway to peaceful co-existence.
Simple words “Do whatever He tells you”. Know this: life-long adventure and challenge flow from it. You will experience the grace of our Lord and fruit of faithful living. If you have questions, ask a believer whose faith you admire and learn of Jesus.
King Jesus, one faithful theologian noted Christianity has not been tried and found hard it has been deemed hard and left untried. Forgive us, O Suffering Servant, for the times we have been unwilling to endure even the least inconvenience in our service to You. By Your Spirit renew in us the will and the strength to do all You command. May our lives bring honour and praise to our Father in heaven and in doing all You command Jesus, may we win many souls to join us in doing all You command. Amen.