June 22, 2020 -- John 3:16-17 -- Heeding the Bible's most familiar verse

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,

that whosoever believes in him should not perish

but have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world

but in order that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:16-17 ESV

This is perhaps the most familiar passage in all the Bible. But what does it mean? It is actually a beautiful promise and a stern warning. The beautiful promise is that all who believe in Jesus—who turn away from their sins and follow Jesus have new life. This new life begins now and stretches to eternity.

The stern warning is this: those who refuse Jesus will perish. In the New Testament we understand to perish means to experience hell and torment in eternity. It is dreadful and fearful. Again, this warning is that Jesus was not sent into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world would be saved through Him. That is, our sins, our addictions, our old nature would perish, be put to death, so that the things of God would be a delight for us. Then following Jesus would not be a chore, but would be what we are drawn towards. The warning is refusing Jesus means one will spend eternity carrying the full weight of God’s just anger against sin and rebellion against His holiness.

This is why the Gospel is Good News. The Good News is that all who believe in Jesus have such sins fall off of them. Those who believe in Jesus are transformed so that sin is defeated and already now they rise to new life. The result is this: in Jesus Christ we have joy. Sins lose their appeal. In Jesus Christ we have peace. We follow Him instead of living in the tumult and toxicity of chasing sins which in fact are killing us. In Jesus Christ we realize we have a Father in heaven Who loves us. Our hearts long for such love. It is what we were created for: to worship God and enjoy Him forever. The Spirit of God transforms us so that our tastes change, our desires change, our whole life’s orientation is towards to Jesus, the One Who is our rescue story.

Father in heaven, let the words of this text be more than a motto we read on signs at sporting events. Let Your love so transform us in Jesus that hating our sins we run to Him, holding on to Him for dear life…and life that is dear. Spirit of God, lift us up from death to fullness of life. Spirit of God, help us as Christians, Jesus-followers, to speak, invite and welcome many others to the joy of following Jesus. Amen.
