June 19, 2020 -- John 3:5 -- Where are you quenching your thirst?

Jesus answered , “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

John 3:5 English Standard Version

Before Jesus spoke these words the question could be asked: how could someone enter the Kingdom of God? You see, Jesus was speaking with the religious leader Nicodemus. Jesus had told him a man must be born again—born of water and of the Spirit. If this were a new teaching, then before Jesus entered the scene no one could have been saved. But Jesus rebuked Nicodemus for being a teacher and yet not understanding the basic teaching of Scripture.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah brought the word of the LORD to the people of God saying:

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,

and streams on the dry ground;

I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring,

and my blessing upon your descendants.

Isaiah 44:3 ESV

The imagery is pretty powerful. Land that is parched and thirsty needs water otherwise it becomes desert sands where nothing can grow. In the same way, our souls need the Spirit of God, or else we are desert wastelands where no good thing can take hold. The Spirit of God brings us life and vitality by bringing us into relationship with the Living God.

No wonder companies spend tens of millions of dollars on advertising. They recognize people are thirsty and searching out soul-refreshing. They throw money at any new thing offered to them, drinking at these cesspools because their need is so urgent. I urge you, stop drinking from the world’s overflowing toilets. No matter how attractively they are decorated and adorned—don’t try to quench your thirst there.

Nicodemus, a religious leader, was driven to overcome his fears and concerns about the consequences his spiteful peers might bring down on him to go to Jesus, secretly at night, and search out clean, pure streams of water that would satisfy his soul. Nothing has been changed in the intervening centuries. Jesus, Who with the Father, created the heavens and the earth, the lands and the seas, the creatures of the air and land and seas and all people, He alone knows what will satisfy our souls. He Himself is our soul’s richest and best desire. He is the only One Who gives new life and new birth—soul-reviving living waters with the Spirit’s glorious presence.

Jesus, thank You for Your glorious, loving patience. You taught men and women showing them the way of salvation. You cause us to be born of water and the Spirit so that we can grow into this new life filled with wonder and joy. Faithful Savior, guard our new life by Your Word and Spirit so that we will pleasing sons and daughters of our Father in heaven. Jesus, Living Water, cause us desert wilderness travelers in this life, to be enthusiastic guides leading others to the oasis of Your presence. Amen.