June 4, 2024 -- John 13:1 -- God's love, demonstrated in Jesus, is unstoppable

Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
John 13:1 ESV

Jesus loved them to the end. To the end of what? Perhaps it is important to know that word end can mean to the finish point, like the end of a race. But it can also mean aim or purpose. Consider these words:

Those whom God loves, He loves to the end and not to their end and death
but to His end and His end is that He might love them more.
John Donne 1572-1631

The point is, God demonstrated His love in Jesus Christ and His aim was to give to Jesus an inheritance, a people for His Own possession. Those who are loved by the Father will experience the salvation of Jesus Christ, it will be accomplished in their lives. The Holy Spirit living in them will bring the purposes of God to bear in their lives and they will marvel, rejoice, and give thanks for the persistent love of God. It is more unstoppable than a tsunami. His love is more powerful than a supernova. He will purify His people from their sins, give them the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and arouse in believers a response of humble, joyful, love for Him and His people.

Father in heaven, You have given us Jesus, the Savior, the Teacher. As we have been purified in His love, excite in us a growing desire to love the people You have put into our lives. By Your Spirit’s presence in us direct us to love with the divine power of love with which You have and do love us. Amen.

https://youtu.be/y0ac4sT-4-o?si=GmzPfFyiTHQbxAOu When We See Your Face

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