June 10, 2024 -- Proverbs 4:23 -- Guarding your heart

Keep your heart with all vigilance,
    for from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23 ESV

Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23 NIV

In the original language the sense is to put your heart in prison and guard it. When Jesus Christ takes over your life, you are a new creation, the old is passed away and the new is come. Romans 12:1 teaches the believer to not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of one’s mind. Hebrews 2:1 tells the believer not to drift. Why? Our hearts are prone to sin; at the very core the heart will be attracted to wrong-doing. That is the foulness of original sin. Left unattended the heart will lead even a strong believer back to perversity and sin. So, it makes sense that the book of Proverbs will teach the believer to pay close attention to the condition of his heart. What is it the heart is secretly desiring? What sin do you toy with, though you know it is wrong? The heart must be guarded as if it is in prison and strengthened by the Holy Spirit you are guarding it, watching it to see if there is any sin tainting it. That little bit of sin in the heart will flow out from the core of who you are and overflow into every area of life.

Most of us watch our bank accounts more closely than we do the condition of our hearts. Most of us are closely following the status and updates of our peers while we neglect the condition of our own heart. It is easy to be angry with someone and let the wellspring of your heart be polluted with hate rather than removing the pollution and guarding the heart.

Conversely, a heart that is dedicated to Jesus Christ knows the joy of purity. Have you ever been at a cottage, or at a friend’s house and tasted the water and realized it is “off”? It is not at all like the clean, clear water you’re used to drinking? You get repulsed by it. Though your host is used to it and drinks it all the time. A heart that is clean, dedicated to Jesus is used to the delight of pure, clean waters. Any pollutant, any slight variation ought to be noticed immediately and addressed. Or you'll get used to water that is off.

Believers need to be accountable. When a Christ-follower shares his life with another believer, the other will notice any pollutant, any change in the purity of his life—often more quickly than his friend will. So, believers are called to help one another maintain purity, to be holy for Jesus and kept wholly for Him. Everything we say, everything we do, everything we allow ourselves flows from the heart. Is your heart dead to the things of God and flowing putrefaction? Or is your heart alive to Jesus Christ and therefore worthy of being guarded with more diligence than your investments and bank accounts—because the pristine condition of your heart is of greater value than any earthly treasure. Your heart must be guarded with greater vigilance than a prison guard watching a prisoner who is a well-known escape artist. When your heart is pure, devoted to Jesus, your words, your actions, your thoughts and your goals will all flow out of such a heart with the purity of heaven. Others will see and be drawn to the quality of the life that the Spirit of God has given you. Your own spirit within you is instructed to guard the wellspring of pure life given in Jesus and do so unto the glory of the Father in heaven, from Whom all believers long to hear this affirmation, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

Father in heaven teach me to highly prize the new life that is mine in Christ. Spirit of God, wise counselor, Who never sleeps, never misses a thing, work so thoroughly in me and through me that my heart and its motives and intentions will be revealed to me. Then purify me. Filter out all in me that fouls the waters of life. Spirit of the Living God, lead me away from sin and teach me to hate all that would pollute the well of salvation which is Jesus’ gift of righteousness. Spirit of God, as often as it is required, recapture my heart for Jesus, cause my eyes to see the wondrous beauty of Jesus so that all my desires are changed and my longings are all centred on Him and this to the glory of the Father, Who is the fountain of life. Amen.

https://youtu.be/N1DMIrqQVXI?si=jVm-extxSuEEC-uP “O Lord, You’re Beautiful”

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