May 8, 2024 -- Psalm 18:25-27 -- Solid Christianity and a Good Memory

With the merciful you show yourself merciful;
    with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;
26 with the purified you show yourself pure;
    and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.
27 For you save a humble people,
    but the haughty eyes you bring down.
Psalm 18:25-27 ESV

First off, know that this Psalm was composed when David had been saved from the hand of all his enemies and from King Saul. That is important background. In fact, there were two times when Saul was completely vulnerable and David could have killed him, but he showed mercy. David was prepared to submit himself to God's agenda and timing. Those who know the mercy of God are prepared to show mercy to others.

Second, the story of David is convoluted. When his sins were pointed out to him, he admitted them and turned to God asking for His forgiveness. And David sinned. A lot. Why point that out? Like David, we are sinners. In so many ways we chomp against the bit and want to go our own way. It was David's desire to be blameless. As New Testament Christians we know that blamelessness is the result of Jesus' work on the cross.

Next, David sings to God Who is Pure. Those who delight in God are those who know they have been made pure. We live in an age that fears contaminants. There are all kinds of water filters available. They strain out all the impurities. In Jesus Christ believers are purified. All the stains of sin and the wickedness associated with the evil inclinations of the heart are continually strained out by the work of Jesus at the Cross. His Spirit applies this to believers. Believers who yield and submit themselves to walking in God's glorious salvation.

In the fourth place, look at verse 26, the reference to the crooked. There still is so much in us that fights the salvation of God. It takes great effort to walk in obedience to Him. Those who are crooked of heart (that is where we get the term “crook” from) are straining against the commands of God. They complain that following God is too hard. Precisely at this moment a good memory is most important. Remember how terrible, hard, sinful, corrupt life was before God swept in and saved you? Remember your broken, sin-filled condition before the salvation of God set you in a place of safety.

Finally, look at the distinction—the humble are those who, in view of the great salvation of God ask: “how can I follow Jesus Christ?” What are His commands so that I will not leave His protection? Christians do not toy with sin or get too close to non-Christians who can not understand the joy of our salvation. Non-Christian friends cannot help but pull a believer away from whole-hearted service to the Living God. They have not seen what the believer knows to be true: the rescue of God. The haughty are those who, having experienced the salvation of God and seen His goodness, decide now they know what they need to do and what feels good and instead of living for Jesus, they cherry-pick where they will be obedient and where the demands of God are too high, too hard, or too inconvenient.

Preachers banging the pulpit, or friends offering guilt-trips will never bring a man back into obedience. Look at the start of the Psalm, when you have time, read it. David declared God is his strength, Rock, deliverer. Because David remembered all the saving work of God, all the LORD’s deeds which rescued him, it was not hard for David to yield to God all obedience. So, dear family in our Lord Jesus Christ—have you spent time thinking about God’s story of rescue and salvation in your life? Duly humbled and renewed in gratefulness, walk with Him.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Our Father

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