April 8, 2024 -- Joshua 7:1 -- Radically Connected to One Another

But the people of Israel broke faith in regard to the devoted things, for Achan the son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of the devoted things. And the anger of the LORD burned against the people of Israel.
Joshua 7:1 ESV

Did you catch it? The LORD of Glory noted that the people, all the people of Israel, broke faith with Him because of one man’s sin. Achan took a beautiful coat, a bar of gold and one of silver from the plunder of Jericho. He hid it in the ground in his tent. Plunder that was to be dedicated to the LORD and not for the army, the nation, or individuals. How does that make sense that one man's secret sin affects everyone?

Yes, Achan was guilty of sin. The passage is teaching people who are used to thinking of themselves as radically individualistic, people disconnected from others. The Bible teaches that you are connected to others more closely than you ever imagined. You are not alone. Your sins affect the people around you. Whenever you act in opposition to God, you are polluting the people of God, the family of God. To put it simply, you can’t smoke in one corner of the room and expect the other people in the room to be breathing in clean air. Sin pollutes the family of believers as surely as cigarette smoke pollutes the people who breathe it in.

The point is this: believers are to confess their sins as soon as the Spirit of God reveals it. This is what brings purity and restores holiness among the people of God.

Believers are to ask the Spirit of God to reveal their sins to them. This is especially important as believers are inclined to excuse their sins rather than acknowledge them.

It is a stark reminder that sin is more egregious and foul than a man will willingly admit.

Finally, the call for people to confess their sins brings glory to the LORD. The Father has provided the way for men and women to be set free from the curse of sin. They are to turn away from practicing sin and turn to Jesus, confessing their wrong-doing and find forgiveness in Him.

The Spirit of God then helps the believer to walk in newness of life. It is a battle to stay pure and holy. It is the only battle worth engaging.

Mighty LORD of Heaven and Earth great is Your glory and most excellent and pure is Your Holiness. It is difficult as a mere mortal to comprehend how excellent You are and how carefully one is required to follow Your commands and Your ways. By the work of Your Spirit, deep within us, help us to hate our sin, to confess it and turn from it so that we will walk in the fullness of life offered in Jesus Christ. Faithful God, by Your Spirit, enable us to live in such true community that we will call each other out on our sins so that together we will walk in the purity that Your holiness demands. Amen.

https://youtu.be/vBjM47zICos?si=GAALOcVQ9Gbyvdvz “Holy Holy, Holy”

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