April 23, 2024 -- I Timothy 4:7-10 -- What kind of effort does it take to set one's hope on God?

Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. 10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
I Timothy 4:7-10 ESV

Last evening several of us from our Bible Study group attended the Harvest House graduation of our friend Michel. He has done so well in his walk with God and in his journey towards sobriety. It was a blessing to celebrate with him and three other graduates. So many others fail on that journey. So many started and fall away. Our passage today teaches us a saying that is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance.

Look at the pair of verbs in verse 10—toil and strive. To toil is to work at something. I laughed when someone used this expression: “he ate that hamburger platter like it was his job”. You can see someone working through a plate of food with purpose, with tempo and with relish. Life in Christ is a constant training in godliness. It is our job. We are to work with purpose, with tempo and with delight. Added to toil is that word strive. To strive is to devote the time, dedication and effort necessary to make something happen. Toiling for the sake of Jesus must be coupled with striving—that is, day in, day out, putting in the effort knowing the goal is a long-term one. When one stumbles, and you will stumble, the man or woman who strives is the one who joins others in regrouping, refocusing and going forward once again so that one achieves the glorious goal of knowing Jesus Christ and living for Him.

The world has all kinds of distractions and side-shows. The silly myths that the passage speaks of. There are all kinds of lies generated by our world (a world which is in rebellion against God). So many subtle lies mixed with just enough truth to mask their maliciousness. By reading the Word, praying, and walking in company with Christians whose walk with God you admire you can show the lies for what they truly are and continue in your purposeful toiling and striving for godliness.

Blessed Father in heaven thank You that You have the perspective of eternity. Thank You that You have declared salvation for Your elect through the reconciling blood of Jesus. Thank You, faithful Father, for the inner working of the Holy Spirit, Who never gets tired, never gets bored, never gets distracted in bringing believers back to their glorious hope which is anchored in Jesus Christ. Triune God, help us to toil and strive with dedication and focus, so that we will be ever more fully trained in the godliness that leads to fuller knowledge of Jesus and greater, joyful obedience to Him. Amen.

https://youtu.be/OkSCTxKNG5Q?si=fZqUTcpxVdQWXHjI “Here is Love”