April 14, 2024 -- Romans 12:14 -- Bless and Do Not Curse

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.
Romans 12:14 ESV

What a challenging command from the Bible. Who can keep it? Presently I’m reading “How to Overcome Evil” by Jay Adams. He noted “The sinful cursing response is inborn. My son, before he had an adequate vocabulary invented his own curses. As a youngster he loved trucks. One day, incensed at what a friend had done, he said, ‘You…you dump truck with a wheel off!’ He is not alone. Because of social pressure, more often than not, you may find the curse” (page 38).

Who is adequate to the command? When the inborn response is cursing, who can truly bless? Ah, good question. It is the man whose heart has been conquered by Jesus. It is the woman who has been overcome by the blessing of Jesus. While you were still a sinner, cursing God and reviling His Son, Jesus died for your sins. In Him the old self, the old inborn nature is passing away and the new is taking hold. The fact that you are realizing your sinfulness and your need for the Savior is evidence of the change taking place in you.

Put yourself into the mindset of thinking of God’s blessings which are poured out on you. Decide you will be a person who blesses in Jesus' Name. Then ask the Spirit of God to continue to renew Your mind. In view of who you are in Jesus Christ, decide to change the pattern of your words and your thinking. Get to a Bible-believing, Bible preaching church today. Spend time with Christians whose walk with God you admire. Practice your new-life in Christ—bless those who curse you.

Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your Name. Thank You for the great blessing of Your electing love. Thank You that You have turned aside Your wrath against our cursing and have punished our sin on the Person of Your Son. Thank You for the new life that is taking hold of us. Spirit of the Living God, continue Your transforming work within our hearts and minds so that our lives, our words and our actions reflect the blessing of Jesus Christ. Help us to be mentors, spiritual fathers and mothers in the faith, to those who are seeking Jesus Christ. It is in His mighty Name we pray. Amen.

https://youtu.be/fK6sYVQCqhs?si=BTcyOtjZJGTq_gqd “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” Selah

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