October 3, 2024 -- I Corinthians 6:19-20 -- United with Christ you are the temple of the Holy Spirit
/Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV
Dear fellow believer, by the work of the Holy Spirit you are united to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in you, nanosecond by nanosecond making the appeal before the Father that you belong to Him by adoption because of the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Let that sink in. You are a much-loved son or daughter of God the Most High!
Often this text has been used as a stick to beat people with. Such berating goes something like this: “You are a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore, God isn’t pleased with you, so don’t do this, don’t do that”. Yes, in the context of this passage as a whole that is an argument can be made. Surely believers must refrain from polluting the temple of your body, where the Holy Spirit lives. But in this argument there is a implication that must be strenuously fought against.
Think about this, from before the foundation of the world, the Father has in love chosen you through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The triune God, knowing the worst of your sin and utter brokenness and your helpless neediness provided for your salvation through the passion of Jesus. The construction of the temple of your body is a project the Father had planned and prepared for long before you ever were born, and before you considered Him as your salvation.
The Spirit works in you, and through every circumstance of your life, so that you will be preserved as one forgiven in Jesus Christ and one who is being sanctified—that is, set apart for God and made ever more holy for His service. Think of it with wonder: the mighty power of God is steadily, constantly being brought to bear in your life, accomplishing what is, humanly speaking, impossible. Think of the persistent, patient, loving-kindness of God Who brings this to reality in your life: you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Despite your (and my) waywardness, rebelliousness, and our straining against the cords of His healing love, He is perfecting you as His temple. You are now and through-out eternity will be the temple of the Holy Spirit. From your life praise and honour and blessing rise as incense before the Father, bringing glory to Him, through the Son, Who has reconciled you God.
Father in heaven, Who by Your glory raised Jesus from the dead, blessed be Your Name as through Your Son’s reconciling work You are making us ever more fit as a holy habitation for the Spirit. Spirit of God, slow my busy steps and the pinball like shooting thoughts darting through my mind, so that I can stop and meditate on the fact that I am wholly Christ’s and He is mine. Thank You, Spirit of God, for making that statement ever more true now and applying the full weight of His saving work in my life. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, let praise and thanksgiving, honour and blessing flow from me rising as incense to honour You. Amen.
https://youtu.be/yxCb6l3jkis?si=9cdsesnLtocAo1CS I Am Not My Own
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