September 8, 2023 -- Proverbs 6:16-19 -- The Evil God our Father hates. Part III

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

16 There are six things that the LORD hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
    and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
    feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
    and one who sows discord among brothers.
Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV

There are two common errors that Christians make with regards to the laws and commands of God. The first is to think we are now, in the New Testament era, past having to keep all the laws of God and now there is freedom in Christ. A simple test proves this wrong. If someone is telling others lies about you and the good opinion your boss used to have about you is now changed, you’ll say, that is unfair. It is wrong. Ah, so, laws should exist. The LORD our God is the same yesterday, today and forever, His laws endure. The second temptation is legalism. Everyone’s actions and attitudes are weighed on your own scale, so that you become the judge of the behavior of others and the standard. Besides this there are all kinds of other rules you believe should be added on. Think of these two as the ditch on either side of the road of righteousness. The Christian steers a path in between these ditches, knowing that the road to a living, vibrant relationship with our Father in heaven depends not on legalism, nor ignoring His laws, but in living for Jesus and keeping His commandments as the way of expressing our love.

That is why feet that run to evil are an abomination to the LORD our God. It is evidence of heart that is twisted against His will and His ways. Oh, it is easy to run to evil. Like the siren song calling sailors to crash against the seashore so evil sings and tries to lull people into sin. Remember, Proverbs are the way of wisdom for those who desire to please God the Father. This is for Christians, given as a warning.

False witnesses who breath out lies. As easily as one breathes in and breathes out, so easily does a false witness lie. Dear fellow believer, consider how many false teachings and wrong-headed notions still linger in us. The instruction of the world is a constant fire-hose catechism of untruths which infects media, and social networks and the school system. Unless our lives are constantly realigned with the teaching of Scripture we can be breathing out lies without even knowing it.

If the believer is unaware of the lies he is breathing out, because his thoughts are not God’s thoughts and his ways are not God’s ways, then what he says to others will sow discord. Often sincere Christians will be teaching the ways of the world and promoting such things within the body of Christ and this will be discord and trouble because it is against the very Word of God. Other times trouble-makers and self-promoters will sow discord, causing people to be divided because they want their own way. It can happen as well that believers, sincere in their walk with God and devout in their knowledge of Him, teach other Christians and their fellow believers are upset because the teaching contradicts their comfortable, but wrong notions. Think of how often the prophets of Israel irked and irritated the people of God who had become comfortable with their sinful ways.

Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your Name. The commands You give and the instructions found in Your Word are not the ends in and of themselves, but these are given so that Your people will know You and walk in Your loving ways. Spirit of God help us to live in the light of Your teaching so that sin will be recognized as sinful and the desire for good and godly ways will be what draws us closer to Jesus. Thank You Jesus, for the depths and breadth of Your healing, saving work. Triune God, continually motivate us to holiness and ever greater love for You in all our words, actions and thoughts. Amen. “Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth”

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