August 5, 2023 -- Matthew 5:4 -- The gift of mourning and tears

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4 ESV

What does it mean to mourn? This same verb is used in I Corinthians and there it means to mourn over one’s sin, or in context calling the Christians of that congregation to mourn over the sins that have crept in among them. To mourn is to express one's grief at the sins which he has committed. It means to feel terrible about them and hate them. In Psalm 56:8 the Psalmist declares that the LORD has taken note of his tears. In Psalm 51 David’s sins have caused him such grief he feels as if his bones have been broken.

Jesus refers to such who grieve over their sins as people who are blessed. Why?
   ~When we know our sinfulness, we are aware of our need for
     Jesus’ atoning work at the cross.
   ~When we grieve over our sins, we are prepared for the Holy Spirit
      to restore true community among us, to offer and receive deep
      and true forgiveness.
   ~When we grieve over our sins, the Holy Spirit has awakened our
     conscience and is leading us in the way of Jesus Christ so that we
     can live as children of our Father in heaven.
   ~When we grieve over our sins the glory of God the Father is
     highlighted: while we were still sinners Christ died for us—the
     righteous for the unrighteous. What a glorious, compassionate God
     we serve.
   ~When we grieve over our sins, we are prepared to deal kindly and
     patiently with those around us helping to restore them to the path
     of life through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.
   ~We we grieve, the hearts of fellow Christians are moved, and believers
     realize as well how deep is their own need for God’s forgiveness and
     how expansive is His mercy.

Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your Name. Thank You for the gift of tears, the evidence of Your Holy Spirit’s work in us to break down the strongholds of sin and allow the cleansing work of Jesus to reach our deepest need. Triune God, blessed are You; holy and true in all Your ways. Amen. “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds”

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