August 3, 2023 -- I Thessalonians 5:16-18 -- Pray without ceasing

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

Recently I heard a podcast on prayer. Alistair Begg was preaching. He was appropriately harsh in his criticism of preachers, Christians, and church leaders who pray “God be with” this person or that person. The Bible is clear, God is everywhere. He is already with that person. Furthermore, Begg was ridiculing preachers and congregations who spend most of their time praying for the health of various people. Neither of these topics are the focus of the apostles’ prayers nor are these part if the instruction Jesus gives for prayer in the Lord’s Prayer. What then should believers pray for?

  1. When someone is going through a challenging health crisis, ask God to show this person the purpose for this crisis and increase his faith through this and help him to be a witness to the doctors and nurses and heath professional he meets.

  2. Rejoice. How often are your prayers filled with rejoicing before the Father in heaven for the riches of His salvation given to you in Christ? How often do you spend time before Him rejoicing? Believers note with the psalmist that in God’s presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

  3. Are you giving thanks for God’s faithfulness to you despite your lack of faithfulness? Are you giving thanks to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit Who lives in you and sustains your life in Christ? Are you giving thanks that our Triune God will not let you go, but His faithfulness pursues you all your days!

  4. It was announced in various media outlets yesterday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife are officially separating. Immediately there are all kinds of Opinion Editorials expressing the notion if he can’t run his household, how can be fit to run a country—but how many people have called for Christians to pray for our leader—exactly as the Bible instructs us to do (I Timothy 2:1-4).

  5. There are so many topics that need our urgent prayer. Consider these:

    ~that churches remain faithful to the Word of God and declare it boldly

    ~for judges and lawyers in the weight of difficult decisions that must be made

    ~for newly released prisoners who have “paid their debt to society” and now must reintegrate into society, may the church be found faithful in representing Jesus to this neglected people

    ~for parole boards that every single day have to decide whether or not a prisoner is ready to return to society on parole, or if such parole must be denied

    ~pray for the salvation of your neighbours, family members, friends, co-workers, by name, asking God to show them His great salvation

    ~so many Christians are at odds with one another, and their disagreements are well-known; how often do churches and leaders publicly pray for them that they will resolve their differences through Jesus, the Prince of Peace Who at the cross provided the basis for all our healing?!

    ~the gathering of believers can seem like a social club more than a place where lives are eternally impacted by the glory of God. Fervently ask the Spirit to make the gathering of believers a place where sins are exposed, and thrown down in the powerful Name of Jesus, believers are given the opportunity to speak openly about their struggles and needs, and together men and women re-affirm their graftedness in Jesus Christ (John 15:6).

    ~for the courage of every believer to admit his or her sins, confessing them and hating them more and more; for the willingness of Christian assemblies to call out sin and offer correction, discipline and mentoring in the way of holiness

Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your Name. What a treasure You have given those who have become Your sons and daughters by the accomplished work of Jesus Christ. This treasure of speaking with You, the Great, Holy, Eternal, Majestic One Who alone lives in unapproachable light! Spirit of the Living God renew in the followers of Jesus Christ a holy awe at the privilege that is ours to engage in a life-long conversation with God Most High. Spirit deepen our desire to be cleansed of every hindrance that might interfere with knowing and serving Jesus, to that end, give us the ability to be honest, and self-searching in confession. Triune God, as Your cleansed people, made righteous through the imputation of Jesus’ righteousness, help us, direct us, fill us so that we pray without ceasing-to the honour and glory of Your Name and the building up of individuals, families, church assemblies and this for the healing of our land, and the increase of conversion growth until Jesus Himself returns. Amen. “I Love the LORD He Heard My Cry”

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