July 31, 2023 -- Psalm 34:15 -- The Psalm Series: The Eyes of our Father in Heaven

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous
   and His ears toward their cry.
Psalm 34:15 ESV

The reference to 'the eyes of the LORD, there is a parallel expression in Chronicles. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” (II Chronicles 16:9 ESV). What an amazing picture this is, the Father in heaven is constantly looking over all the people of the earth, seeing, noticing and examining every single person. He is looking for those whose hearts are blameless, or whole, or righteous. Simply put, He is looking for those who knowing their need of Him, confess their sins. Long for Him. Look to Him. Delight in Him. Who do not find their circumstances to be their source of joy or sorrow—but in whose hearts there is a continual feast because their hearts belong to the LORD.

He hears their cry. What a beautiful statement. Maybe you have experienced something like this. You are visiting a family with many children. You’re talking with the parents when suddenly the mother stops, puts down her coffee mug and quietly says to her husband, “I heard that too”. She goes out to see what’s the matter. It turns out one of the children needed mom. Even though the others were boisterous in their play, loud and there are various ambient noises, mom and dad could pick out the true distress from among all the other sounds. If imperfect parents can do so, how much more perfectly, lovingly and patiently does our Father hear and answer.

Our Father in heaven great and glorious is Your Name in all the earth. Thank You for the loving care You extend to Your people. Thank You for the life given to us in Jesus Christ through Whom we are righteous. By Your Spirit's work in us direct all our living so that in joys or sorrows, riches or debts, sickness or health, loneliness or great company, we entrust ourselves wholly to You, Faithful God. We confess how easy it is to base our happiness on our circumstances, rather than allowing all our circumstances to drive us deeper into Your embrace. Amen.

https://youtu.be/JmGwHdNtpEw “All People That on Earth do Dwell”

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