July 23, 2023 -- Romans 8:5-6 -- Setting our minds on the Spirit

People loved by the Father, by the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
Romans 8:5-6 ESV

Paul has just completed that famous passage where he exposed his spiritual wrestling: “For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” Romans 7:15b. He confesses his spirit longs to obey God and his flesh fights him every step of the way. He then praises God the Father for the redeeming work of Jesus Christ (Romans 7:25).

Notice the intentionality of both paths. Those who strive for the things of the flesh—pride, greed, position, money, selfishness, laziness, an undisciplined thought life—their lives end in spiritual death. They will receive the reward of their labours, which is eternity in hell. Those who intentionally pursue life according to the Spirit will find life and peace.

The flesh hates God. Even godly men and women who desire to serve God must fight their flesh. The flesh makes excuses: "I’m too busy to pray right now". Or, how about this one "I’ve been doing my bible reading and prayer this week—more or less—so I don’t necessarily need to go to church". What about this classic excuse "It is too hard to be consistent, God accepts me where I am as I am". Your own flesh, your worldly desires will try to drown you in your patterns of old sins.

The spirit which belongs to Jesus, will delight in the things of His Spirit. Those who by the Father’s adoption as His heirs, know that Jesus is their elder brother, and because of this they will fight the things of the flesh and every rising, worldly impulse that persistently strives to pull them away from life and peace. Notice the intentionality of today’s passage. It is not automatic. The believer must set his mind on the Spirit. There must be a day to day commitment to live according to the Spirit’s rule in your life. It is the fight of your life and requires all your thought, energy working under the power of the Spirit.

  • Read your bible. Make the choice. Keep the commitment.

  • Pray. This is a tough one. What do I pray about? Whatever you have read in the Bible. Whatever you know is fighting your commitment to stay true to Jesus.

  • Get to church. It is a spiritual battle. As soon as you commit to going to church so many other things will pop up, urgent things. Good things. But not the best things that will help keep you true to the LORD and directed by the Spirit.

  • Stay close to Christians friends. I have been re-committing myself to eating healthier. It was hot yesterday. So hot. I offered to take a friend to a popular ice cream place. A few hours earlier, he’d just heard of my commitment to healthier eating. He declined the offer of ice cream! His steadiness overcame my lazy, fleshly desires.

Our Father in heaven praise and honour, blessing and worship belong to You. How great is the salvation You have given in Jesus Christ! Who is a God like You? You save Your people from sin and You strengthen them for this new life by the powerful presence of Your Spirit. Triune God help us as believers to set our minds on the things of the Spirit. Help us to fight our worldly desires submitting ourselves instead to Your law and Your will and so find the abundant life and plenteous peace that You so richly promise. Amen.

https://youtu.be/tQUTvMtUhw4 “The Doxology” Anthem Lights and Selah

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