May 9, 2023 -- Matthew 16:24 -- Distinguishing the Wannabe from the True

People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
Matthew 16:24 ESV

There is an important emphasis going on here. Jesus is making a distinction between those who are interested in Him, wannabes, and those who are true followers--Christians.

Have you ever met someone who made exaggerated claims about himself? For example, someone who claimed to be a mathematician, because he really liked his math courses in high school. One had better hope he is not making the necessary calculations for the next space rocket. Is he a mathematician or a wannabe?

What about a woman who claims to be an athlete because she loved running in grades 7 and 8 and was on the track team. That was twenty years ago. You ask her, “Cool. What are you doing now which earns you the epithet athlete?” Her reply, “Oh no, I haven’t run a day in my life since then. I could if I wanted to, though”. Is she an athlete, or a wannabe?

How many Christians have you met who went to Sunday School until they were 8, but haven’t darkened the doorway since them? How many Christians have you met who say they believe, but it doesn't change their behavior? It says in Scripture even the demons believe, and shudder (James 2:19)! They do nothing with the knowledge they have. How many wannabe Christians have you met who do not show the fruit of the Spirit in their life? 

If anyone would come after Jesus, crossing the threshold of wannabe to truly engaging life as a Christian, one must deny himself. It is an on-going daily occurrence. Fighting laziness, old lusts and patterns and sins in order to keep his heart focused on Jesus.

Take up his cross. This is a continuous action. This is against all self-preservation, against comforts and constantly preparing to live as one despised by the world.

And follow Jesus. The Bible is then his life’s instruction manual. The Word, whenever it is preached in the church of which he is a member, he is attend. He is not allow his friends, his work, his other plans to interfere with his whole-hearted following of Jesus. He is not a wannabe. He is a Christian.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, 
   forever and ever. Amen. Tim Hawkins “I’m a Christian”

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