April 10, 2022 -- I Thessalonians 5:16-18 -- The Commands of God are preceded by the Grace of God
/People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!
Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV
This short text today highlights the importance of reading books of Scripture from start to finish. It is the odd, commonly used practice, among Christians, to just open to any page of the Bible and randomly read verses. Look at today's readings, these imperatives—these commands to do something—separated from their context in I Thessalonians are unattainable commands. One flounders to find reasons for obedience and stumbles looking for words to speak to God, if the imperatives are not joined to the whole letter.
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy are writing. These three men are a community of believers writing to a community of believers. In true community you have people who bless and help one another. The strong aiding the weak, the weak offering their vulnerability and so learning of the will of Jesus and the power of the Spirit.
In this letter there is a glorious explanation of the of faith, and the work of Spirit-fueled hope which is anchored in our Lord Jesus Christ. A few other points in this letter to give context to the imperatives of today's text. From the depths and the richness of the Good News given us in Christ Jesus—our sins are thrown down; our Savior has raised up ministers and leaders for His Church Who shepherd the flock in the strength of the Spirit. Jesus Himself is coming soon. In the light of all these blessings, it makes sense then for believers to rejoice always.
Rejoice even when things are difficult. The difficulties in your life are the birth pangs of Jesus’ return; the old is being swept away as the contractions heralding the new heavens and the new earth bear down.
Prayer is not mechanical, but it is the appeal to the High King of Heaven, the One Who has all authority and power to help those in every distress. Those who are in Christ will live with Him—He is the light of life and His people need His light and His strength—as believers pray for this they are reminded our weakness and our helplessness are a fact. His willingness to empower His people and guide them by His Spirit means all the glory and all the credit go to Him.
Giving thanks flows from all that has happened. Look at your life. Can you see where you walked in the valley of the shadow of death and thought no good could possibly come from this and after you prayed, perhaps days later, you looked back and began to understand the help which God the Father gave you? It is in looking back that you see His answers. Thankful hearts remember past failures and the greater grace of Jesus. Thankful hearts anticipate the fact that Jesus’ authority, power, and nearness, means all things truly are working out according to His purposes. Thanksgiving is a sign of the Christian’s growing maturity.
Thank You, Father in heaven for the rich streams of grace and peace which flow from Your throne room because of the intercession of Jesus, the Mediator between You and all believers. On this Sunday, gather Your people by the power of Your Spirit, so that hearts will be opened and ready to receive the Word preached. Remind Your people of the love which surrounds them because of Jesus' accomplished work at the cross. Triune God, lift our eyes from the chaos of this world, which is awash in the brokenness of sin. Help us to see the new heavens and the new earth which are coming near so that believers fed in such confident, anticipatory hope, bless You and praise You and serve You as You command of us to do. Amen.
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