March 12, 2022 -- I Thessalonians 5:21 -- Rapid test for faithfulness
/People loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!
…test everything, hold fast to what is good.
I Thessalonians 5:21 ESV
By now, many of you are familiar with those pale green, oblong boxes that contain the COVID-19 Antigen rapid text kits. You could just roll your eyes at the remembrance of the first time you had to follow all the directions. Swab this. Put the liquid from the little pack into that tube. Wait this long for that and so long for this. It was confusing. There was one good thing which came from doing all the work: at the end of it, you knew if you tested positive for Covid, or negative. Based on the results you knew your next steps.
Why mention it? Paul, who with Silas and Timothy, planted the church in Thessalonica, gave important instructions on faithfulness. Likely they were not in the region very long; just long enough for the Spirit to use them to pull together gathering of new believer. So I Thessalonians has much instruction for the believers. At the end of this brief letter there is the command—test everything.
People who had not been Christians very long were exposed to all kinds of things in the world. Sins. Vices, Temptations that appear as light but are highly deceptive offerings which would drag one back to sin. Like the rapid test, at first it is more difficult to distinguish what things you need to do in order to prove you are free and clear of infection. Even believers, strong in the Lord, can be deceived if they are not on guard. Here is the test kit I Thessalonians offers. Let's see how free you are from sin's infection.
Examine your life, are you are imitating those who are godly in their conduct (1:6)? Do your actions bring joy to the Holy Spirit (1:6)? Is your conduct, public and private, a strong example of godliness to others who are new to the faith (1:7)? Is it your desire to please God, who tests hearts (2:4)? Do you readily and hungrily receive the word of God (2:13)? Are you are prepared to suffer for the sake of God and the Gospel (2:14)? Read the results now: are you infected with the vices and sins of the world? Confess your sins and be cleansed. Are you positive for full life in Christ? Call out to God in praise and thanksgiving.
Jesus, Ruler of all Nations, thank You for the rich salvation You have won for us at the cross so that we are named sons and daughters of God. Jesus, thank You, for sending us out, equipped with Your Spirit, to be an example of godliness to the world which is tearing itself apart in wickedness and sin. Triune God, forgive us for the times we have not tested our thoughts and actions to make sure they would be pleasing to You. Mighty God, for the sake of Jesus’ Name, direct us, once again, in the the life of godliness, that adventure of leaning fully into the life which pleases You and stretches the believer so that he will grow in healthy maturity by the power of the Spirit. O God of peace, sanctify us completely and may our whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until the come of our Lord Jesus. You are faithful! Amen.
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