February 24, 2022 -- Psalm 85:4-7; 10-13 -- Believer do you see the love and faithfulness of God all around?

Restore us again, O God of our salvation,
and put away your indignation toward us!
5 Will you be angry with us forever?
Will you prolong your anger to all generations?
6 Will you not revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your steadfast love, O LORD,
and grant us your salvation.

Steadfast love and faithfulness meet;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11 Faithfulness springs up from the ground,
and righteousness looks down from the sky.
12 Yes, the LORD will give what is good,
and our land will yield its increase.
13 Righteousness will go before him
and make his footsteps a way.

Psalm 85:4-7;10-13 ESV

Why read the Bible over and over again? It is a question often asked, and not answered often enough. The Bible is not like any other book. It is God-breathed. The Spirit of God carried men along so that they were inspired to speak the revelation, the Self-Revelation of God, teaching believers Who He Is; how He acts. There is always more to learn. The Psalmist began this poem-prayer of praise recognizing that the LORD God had forgiven the iniquity of His people. It is how He acts towards to His people. That is why the sons of Korah led Israel, and through this writing, all future generations of people belonging to God, in this song of hope and praise.

Look at the second quoted section of the today’s psalm, the verses 10 through 13. The people who prayed for restoration and peace know how He will answer—for God the LORD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. All around the people of God are steadfast love and faithfulness—the fact you draw breath, you are made in His image, you are restored to the Father through the redeeming love of Jesus. Righteousness and peace kiss each other—the believers who are in Christ experience the gift of Jesus’ unity, sustained in them by the powerful presence of the Spirit. The Spirit clothes the believer in Jesus’ imputed righteousness. The Father sees each believer through the accomplished work, the righteousness, of Jesus. The reviving goodness of the LORD your Savior is not just all around you. Look at verse 11 and be encouraged.

From below you, under your feet faithfulness spring up. Death could not hold Jesus. He is risen from the dead. Every Spring as the snow melts and tulips and daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses break through the surface of the soil and display their splendid colors, I am reminded of the glory of God, risen in Jesus Christ. Above you also the restoring work of God is carried out. Righteousness looks down from the sky. Jesus is enthroned, next to the Father, pleading for you, for all His people, so that those who are saved will persevere and endure until He returns. To that end, the Father and the Son give the Spirit in great and ever greater measure to all who ask! Above and below, and from every side, your are surrounded by the mercy and love, the faithfulness and righteousness, in fact, every evidence of the salvation of the Triune God. Open your eyes, open your hearts, receive every blessing He is giving this day. More blessings than you can possibly carry. Do you see it?!

Father in heaven, thank You for the mastery of the psalms, expressing so much which the believer’s heart might otherwise be inarticulate to voice. Thank You for the beautiful, powerful, constant work of Your Spirit stirring up believers to greater faith in Jesus and sharper clarity of vision for all He is doing. Thank You, Triune God, thank You for the teaching of scripture which instruct the eyes of every faithful believer not to look to the world for comfort, security and hope—no! Instead to see Your steadfast love and faithfulness meeting in the circumstances of every believer’s life; to know that Your righteousness and abiding peace are all around those who are crying out to You. Looking up or down, side to side, churning all around the believers is the ocean waves of bless—rich and beautiful and full of glory that will lead the believer to You in all eternity. Amen.
