December 16, 2022 -- Luke 16:14-15 & Proverbs 16:4-5 -- Journey to Christmas through Proverbs and Luke: the heart exposed
/The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things and they ridiculed Him. And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
Luke 16:14-15 ESV
The LORD has made everything for its purpose,
even the wicked for the day of trouble.
Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD;
be assured, he will not go unpunished.
Proverbs 16:4-5 ESV
As the Gospel of Luke continues, the readings are getting us closer and closer to the cross of Jesus Christ. The hearts of hypocrites are being exposed. The entire world's need for the Savior is clearly demonstrated. The Pharisees were the elite, the religious ones and they attempted to imposed their will and their self-centred way of worship on all the Jewish people. They did not recognize Jesus when He walked among them. That is so achingly sad.
Already in the Proverbs the followers of God could be divided into two groups: those made for God’s purposes who were reflecting His glory and those who claimed to be followers of God and whose hearts are far away from Him. Hearts far from God may publicly claim Him, but are actually devoted to sex, or money, or drugs, or self-promotion, or alcohol, or pride or whatever sin has taken hold of their hearts.
Recognize this, the Bible is written for those who are followers of God. Those who openly hate Him will not be reading it. But those who think they are Christians will read the Bible and either be convicted of their sin and turn to Him in repentance, or they will be hardened in their sinfulness and will go to the day of trouble where their vacuous faith is exposed for the sham it is. Those who are truly Christians will by the Spirit’s presence in the heart be convicted of their sins. They will realize the closer they draw to Jesus, the more hateful sin is in their life. So sin will be continually confessed. Repented of. It is the on-going cleansing cycle fueled by the Spirit of God.
The more the Christian looks to Him, Jesus, he will find the Father’s love communicated through the saving grace of Jesus in the power of the Spirit. The precious word will help him remove the log of sin from his own eye so that he can tenderly help younger, weaker Christians grow in their fellowship with God.
Our Father in heaven You are ablaze with glory and magnificence. Your Word is convicting truth and it exposes the sin that needs to be excised. Spirit of God You, Whose very Name is Holy, purify us by the reconciling grace of Jesus Christ. Beautiful Savior, King of the Nations and Conqueror of our hearts and passions, blessed are You. Save us, Triune God, in the richness of Your mercy and love so that our lives reflect Jesus Christ and in Him we continually see the eternal spectacle of the Father’s great love and the Spirit’s profound comfort. By the salvation You bring into our lives, may others around us see Your splendor and then themselves be drawn to Jesus. Amen.
Celtic Worship "A Child is Born"
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