January 25, 2022 -- Acts 18:27-28 -- Great Help for Believers

People dearly loved by the Father, in the Spirit's power: Sh'ma ~ hear and obey Jesus!

And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed, 28 for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, showing by the Scriptures that the Christ was Jesus.
Acts 18:27-28 ESV

In this passage “he” refers to Apollos. He was a tremendous encourager, helping those who had been appointed by God for eternal life. He was a man steeped in the Old Testament. In fact, he could, using the Old Testament, show that the Promised Anointed One (for that is what the title ‘Christ’ means) was Jesus. Apollos did this so powerfully because the Spirit of God was with him. He was able to speak from the Old Testament because the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, teaches the believer about Jesus Christ—for Jesus is the true revelation, final great prophet, Who declared the Father (Hebrews 1:1-4). And Apollos spoke of Jesus, the One Who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

Dear brother and dear sister in the Lord Jesus Christ, encourage others whom our Father has placed in your life so that they can see Jesus in your life. Keep reading the Word, the Old Testament and the New Testament and ask the Spirit of God to show you Jesus—Him promised in the Old Testament and revealed in terrible splendour in the New Testament. Be prepared to face mockers and skeptics, spiritual hoodlums and haters, for the declaration of Jesus’ Name in any place is spiritual warfare. Do not stop speaking, the Lord is coming soon as the Just Judge and those who believe will be brought to the Eternal Kingdom, those who refused Him will be thrown down to Hell. What a devastating punishment, therefore, speak whenever and wherever you have the chance so that those who are going to Hell can only get there by fighting vigorously against you and strenuously pushing against your testimony in their determination to get there. Block their way as much as possible, for the sake of the Great Name of Jesus.

Fellow Christians, encourage one another as well. As soldiers of the cross of Jesus Christ we have so many differences in the particulars of the Bible. Someone said long ago, it is as if Christians all speak English, but some with a Scottish accent, some a Southern Drawl, others as those who formerly spoke French now English. We emphasize different aspects of the Bible, our speech has idiosyncrasies reflected in the words we use and the accents we highlight, but all who are in Christ are members of the household of God. Some are battle weary and need a word of blessing and encouragement—speak and bless in the powerful Name of Jesus.

Mighty God, by Your Spirit's presence planted within us as believers, help us to be sensitive to the people You put into our lives. May those who need encouragement be revived by the Biblical words we speak. May those who need to know Jesus Christ, hear of Him by our words and see Him because of our actions. Gracious Father, when we ourselves feel spent and exhausted, may we offer our vulnerability and weakness to You, trusting You will supply all our need--keep us therefore from sin, from seeking comfort in things, or trying to find numbness in our addictions, or past sins. Instead, direct us further into the great expanse of Your mighty comfort and soul-soothing majesty where sins are exposed as worthless and Your glory and grace become for us all-consuming and wondrous. Blessed are You God. Holy are You! Kind beyond our ability to describe--that is Who You are! Amen.


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