September 15, 2021 -- Galatians 6:18 -- Precious Unity
/The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.
Galatians 6:18 ESV
Have you ever flipped through the letters of the New Testament to see how each of them end? There is a strong farewell—in the purest sense of that old word. When a New Testament writer finishes a letter, there is a blessing which is spoken. As here in Galatians. It was a strongly worded letter with some harsh and true criticism of the antics of the Galatians. It ends with a blessing.
Think about how you end your conversations. See ya later. Maybe you end your texts ttyl. Maybe you end a phone call by mumbling “I gotta go now”. As Christians I wonder if we might not learn from the way New Testament letters end. Perhaps we can integrate this concept into our conversations and texts and messages. Consider ending with a blessing from God.
Many of you know I use the word “shalom” to end emails and conversations. It is the word which means: “The peace of God” and the sense is “the peace of God be with you”. Ending our conversations and letters, texts and messages with something like: “the grace of God be with you” or “God bless you” or “Shalom” indicates you are a Christian. It lets your listener know you wish them the very best which is ours in Christ.
So many of our conversations are harsh. So many of our posts are defiant—myself included, I’ve been very guilty of this as well. But our call is to represent Christ in our words and deeds. How are you doing in this regard? Shalom.
Faithful Father in heaven, by Your Spirit You prompted the writer of the psalm to declare “^Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Father in heaven, You have given us such unbreakable unity through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Help us, Your children, to serve You and honour You in the way in which we communicate with those around us. Forgive us the times we have stirred up anger and dissension. Enable us by Your Spirit to walk in the newness of life and the depth of community that is ours through Jesus Christ. Amen.
^Psalm 133:1 ESV