July 10, 2021 -- Proverbs 18:1 -- Isolating or seeking community?

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;
he breaks out against all sound judgment.
Proverbs 18:1 ESV

Such a simple proverb. Yet profound. I know I have examined this verse before, but it is one that keeps popping up again in practical, daily situations. When someone knows he is about to go and do something wrong he isolates himself. An adulterer isolates himself from his wife, hiding his intentions to visit his mistress. A thief hides isolates himself from others, looking left and right in order to steal. A child looking to pilfer a cookie from grandma’s cookie jar sneaks away from grandma and quietly reaches in to take his prize. You get the point. Formulating the plan while starting to pull away from people should be a warning signal in your own brain—there is evil intent here.

Friends, dear family in Christ, when you see a sister pulling away and isolating herself, ask yourself, why? If you see a brother suddenly withdrawing from activities he once enjoyed, warning bells should sound. Christian, when you see your family in Jesus becoming less frequent or attentive in worship, pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to go and seek that person out in kindness.

You and I both know that “deer in the highlight” look we can give when we are caught out in our wrong-headed intentions. We might lash out, say angry words—even as we are simultaneously experiencing relief that our wicked desires are not allowed to go unchecked. This is also why Proverbs declares: “faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). A true, Christian friend, will endure the backlash in order to bring back a wandering brother or wayward sister from his or her folly. This is the gift of fellowship and dearest friendship in Christ.

Tomorrow is Sunday Invite your friend to church. Be prepared yourself to go to church to be warmed by the Gospel and the light of Christ’s salvation. Invite your friends, frequently, persistently, as you would convince them to join you in other activities, doing so without remorse or reluctance. Worship is the great privilege and abiding joy of the Christian.

Thank You, Jesus for those who, by Your Spirit, questioned my actions. Thank You, Spirit of God, for placing us in true community, where we can go and grow in open, honest, desire to hate evil. As the Puritan so aptly said it, “I must not only labor to overcome sin, but must invite Christ to abide in the place of it, and He must become to me more than vile lust had been”. My Savior, draw me nearer to Yourself, that the beauty and the healing of the Father’s love, which You have gained for me by Your cross and resurrection, will shine brightly from my life, encouraging and blessing those around me. Amen.
