February 23, 2021 -- Psalm 4:2-3 -- Forgiven and Forgiving

O men, how long shall my honor be turned into shame?
How long will you love vain words and seek after lies? Selah
3 But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself;
the LORD hears when I call to him.

Psalm 4:2-3 English Standard Version

Got an email recently. It was unexpected. This email is from someone with whom I’d had a sharp falling out. So it was necessary last year to guard my heart and set a watch over my mouth so that I didn’t diss him publicly nor do so in my heart. Thinking of that email brought home the psalmist’s words as particularly pertinent to me.

While feeling the sting of rumours and gossip started by this person against me, I must ask myself how often have I been the source of such things against others? It is easy to lick one’s lips against the sins and wrong-doing of others all the while holding tightly to one’s own as-yet-undiscovered wickedness. No wonder the Spirit causes the godly to pause, reread and reflect on these words and examine his own heart before going on. [Selah is the musical expression used to call the reader to pause, reread and reflect on what has just been read.]

The godly are not perfect. The godly are not faultless. The godly are the ones set apart by God who have experienced His profound forgiveness. The godly know how deep is the need for the LORD’s mercy so that they are ever appealing to the LORD for such mercy. And such mercy received should result in mercy being extended to those who have fallen out—in the form of praying for such persons. In a heart ready to forgive. A life that is prepared to call out sin for what it is: sin. And having called out sin, to deal with it in light of the spacious grace, love and kindness of God poured out on all who repent. The psalmist is reminding us here on earth, the Father in heaven Who has forgiveness us in Christ has created every opportunity for restoring community and fullness of life among all fellow believers. What a glorious goal and hope.

With the hymn-writer it is stirring to cry out to You, God of my righteousness—”My sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.” Spirit of God, having applied the righteousness of Christ to the hearts of all who cry out to Jesus, please now guard the hearts of Christ’s flock so that we do not on the one hand accept forgiveness and on the other hold out resentments against those we perceive are wronging us. Triune God, give us the wisdom from on high to withstand evil, the mercy to negotiate forgiveness with those who hurt and wrong us, and serenity to accept whatever we cannot change. Let our hearts ever sing Your praises for the relentless tides of Your mercy and love and patience exercised on each of us. Amen.
