February 17, 2021 -- Psalm 3:5-6 -- Christ puts fretful fears to death
/I lay down and slept;
I woke again for the LORD sustained me.
I will not be afraid of thousands of people
who have set themselves against me all around.
Psalm 3:5-6 English Standard Version
When your mind is filled with anxious thoughts of enemies, of your wrong-doing and the nagging notion God is far from you, can you sleep? No. Most people cannot sleep when there is so much turbulence churning in their hearts and minds. The psalmist set his fears and fretful thoughts before the LORD in prayer. And he slept.
What a profound lesson for the world today. How many Covid variants are there out and about now? Will the vaccine work? Will I be employed tomorrow? Will the cancer diagnosis sweep me away into death? What if poverty overtakes me like a bandit? What if I am never reconciled with the person who hates me? What if the judge is cruel and I am sentenced for a much longer prison term than has been suggested by the defense and prosecutor’s joint pre-sentencing submission? What if my sins find me out?
Real world questions and distressing thoughts can only be brought to submission before the LORD Who is your shield, He is your glory and He is the One Who can lift your head from despair and bring your life to victory no matter your circumstances. Jesus, while on a boat with His disciples, in the middle of a wicked storm which threatened to swamp them, slept peacefully. Why? Because the LORD answers His people from His holy hill. No matter what is in store for you, the LORD knows your past, your present and He holds your future.
Confess your sins. Christ has taken away God’s wrath against them. Trust God in the roller coaster ride of fears and diagnoses and times you feel helpless. Your life, and your death, these are in the hand of Your Father in heaven Who will bring you safe to Himself. Live submitted to Jesus Christ and by the power of His Spirit do what you know to be right. And beloved of the LORD sleep in peace. Blessed be His Name.
LORD our God, You Who answers His people from His living space of power—hear the pleas and cries of Your people. Hear now all those who have kissed the Son and submitted to His Kingly Rule. Spirit of the Living God, drive us into the arms of the Father, where Christ has made open our place of refuge. Amen.