November 15, 2021 -- Matthew 27:62-65 -- Jesus, Whose Name is Glorious

The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, ‘After three days I will rise.’ Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and that last fraud will be worse than the first.”

Matthew 27:62-65 ESV

The chief priests were impostors. They had the authority of office, they had the Torah, the Bible instructions of the coming of the Messiah, but instead of leading the people to their true Savior and Lord, they had Jesus put to death. Pilate is an impostor. He is supposed to be the Justice-bringing. He acknowledged Jesus was without sin, yet Pilate had Jesus put to death. The Pharisees were impostors. They remembered the words Jesus spoke, that He would rise from the dead, but they did not believe what He’d promised. It is all so staggering.

I am an impostor. So often, I know the good I should do, and do not do it. So often I know the wrong that I should not do, and this very thing I do. What a wretched man I am. Thanks be to God that our LORD Jesus Christ is not an impostor. He is exactly Who He claimed to be! He is the Son of Man. He will be revealed before all the earth as the One seated at the Father’s right hand, the One Who returns with great, unimaginable glory and all His holy ones with Him, to judge the nations. He alone is True. Blessed be His Name. Blessed are all Who call on the Name of Jesus, following Him in the power of the Spirit to the praise of the Father in heaven. Amen.