September 4, 2020 -- John 7:41 -- Your life's most important question

Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Is the Christ to come from Galilee?”

John 7:41 English Standard Version

It is the most important question of our lives: “Who is Jesus?” There is no other question that should grip us. Knowing Who He Is changes everything in us and about us.

The leading atheist of our time, whose views are almost cartoonish in their anti-Christian-faith vehemence said, “Somebody as intelligent as Jesus would have been an atheist” (quoted from Oct. 27, 2011 in the Guardian). Later Dawkins suggested Jesus was a cult leader whose popularity was given a dramatic boost by his untimely crucifixion (this in 2014). Sad. Misguided. And utterly uninformed.

Biology should lead us to see how our very D.N.A. declares the glory of God. How does non-life, pre-life “evolve” to bring life? Where does the information for our DNA come from? John 1:4 teaches us in Christ there is life—life that informs our D.N.A. and declares the glory of our Creator.

Those who seek Jesus and do so with a desire to believe in Him will have their belief confirmed again and again through the study of history, geology, biology, law, and, in fact, all that we seek to understand is given us to study so that we can know more about the Living God. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Scientific investigation is possible only because He brings order and sustains order in our universe.

Who is Jesus? How you answer will affect you today and forever.

Mighty God of breeching whales and particle-forming quarks, all of creation declares Your splendor! As we work, live, explore and rest may the knowledge of Your creative-life-giving presence direct us to offer all of our lives in worship and holy service to Jesus Christ, revealed to us by the Word and Spirit and affirmed by Creation so that Your Name, Father in heaven, will truly be hallowed. Amen.