September 29, 2020 -- John 10:12-13 -- A Mere Hired Hand VS the Good Shepherd
/He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
John 10:12-13 English Standard Version
No wonder the Pharisees and the Scribes, political leaders and opponents hate Jesus. He calls them out as self-seeking, self-interested and self-protecting. Perhaps you remember a bus campaign carried out in 2009? In the US and the UK buses had the slogan: “There’s probably no god. So stop worrying and enjoy your life”. These or some variant of them were advertisements in Toronto buses as well.
A simple response might be to go the organization that created these idiotic adverts and say to the hired hand in charge, “okay, then give me your car, your house and your bank account.”
No doubt the hired hand will say, “You’re nuts, get out of here!”
Me acting as an atheist: “For me to enjoy my life, I want more stuff, more things. Since you, hired hand, have no basis for morality, or law, I am just going to steal your stuff.”
Hired Hand: “But it is important for us to live in society that is regulated by the common good of lawful conduct.”
Me acting as an atheist: “Prove it. You can’t. You have no basis for a moral law—only God, our Creator offers that. You, as a godless hired hand, only believe in the survival of the fittest. Great. I’m stronger than you are and I’m going to knock your socks off, take your stuff, stop worrying and enjoy my life.”
Obviously this is not something I would do or advocate. But you see the nonsense of it, right? You can see how Jesus’ words are proved over and over again, in His generation and each generation thereafter, by anyone in power who is not a Christian. There is no basis for any moral order, no basis for common compassion without Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd Who leads us, as His sheep, in the way of righteousness.
Perhaps it is time for Christians to put up advertisements in buses. I’d suggest something like this:
God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—rescued us from lawlessness. Stop worrying about atheists. Worship God and enjoy Him forever!
Jesus, our Good Shepherd, thank You for leading Your people into salvation. Thank You for rescuing Your people from lawlessness and hopelessness. Father in heaven, we pray for the salvation of our political leaders: our Governor General, Prime Minister, Premiers and all people who hold any office. We thank You for those who serve in the strength of the Spirit, living faithfully for Jesus Christ. All those who live for You, Good Shepherd, as they serve and work, bless them and continue to fill them with the joy of knowing You. Working or retired, young or old, married or single, whatever condition and whichever place You have called us into, help us, Triune God, to serve You with holy joy. Amen.